Its him

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This story is on the special request of laviniagazsi

"Did you get dad's message?" Kongpob asked, taking a seat beside arthit

"Your dad's? No, I haven't got one" arthit replied, checking his messages

"He has messaged me, it's an invitation for a house party, my sister gave birth to a baby boy" Kongpob informed

"It would be an important function to attend then, wouldn't it?" Arthit asked, his eyes fixed on the computer screen as his fingers typed ever so swiftly

"I don't want to, a trip to their house just spoils my mood for weeks" Kongpob mumbled, placing his head on arthit's shoulder who slightly stiffened at the sudden contact

"We will be back quick, don't worry" arthit replied, his body slowly adjusting to the extra weight on his shoulder

Kongpob hummed in response, trying yo snuggle deeper in arthit's neck who only tried to move further away

"When are we supposed to go though?" Arthit asked, trying to hide his awkwardness

"Tomorrow, it's quite a short notice" kongpob replied, moving away as he finally sensed arthit's uncomfortable state

"It will be okay, you go sleep, I will be there in a while" arthit said, his eyes never leaving the screen

Kongpob nodded as he stood up and stretched his arms, yawning ever so cutely, forcing arthit to bite the inside of his cheeks to prevent himself from smiling wide

Bending down a little, kongpob placed a soft kiss on arthit's cheek which immediately turned red making the other giggle silently

"I love you" kongpob whispered

Arthit just nodded in acknowledgement, well Kongpob didn't mind, arthit never said it back in words, he just proved it with his actions

Walking upstairs to their shared bedroom, kongpob lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as his mind came up with flashbacks, of all his memories, beautiful and terrible

Kongpob and arthit have been married since the last six months, they were best of friends since their college days until one day kongpob proposed the other and much to his surprise, arthit didn't deny

Kongpob loved arthit dearly and expressed it to the fullest, while arthit loved him just as dearly but found it hard to express himself in words and so he instead expressed his love with subtle actions

Preparing Kongpob a warm bath whenever he felt like the other one needed it, preparing him breakfast on the days he woke up late, cuddling him after he fell asleep, to not be noticed but also keep him warm, to watch his favourite movies with him, although arthit didn't really enjoy them, these all were his ways to show that he loved the other just as he loved him

Kongpob's relation with his father wasn't a very healthy one, his mother died in giving him life and his father blamed it all on him, instead of providing him with extra love he pulled away even his part of it

Arthit and his parent's relate was better than that of kongpob's and his father, as of now there only reason of argument was kongpob

"I cannot accept this! Are you asking me to die without having any grandchildren?" Loona yelled

It took arthit quite a while to convince them, although they were never completely convinced, they asked arthit to do whatever he wishes and not go back to them once he regretted his decision, which he knew he never would

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