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This story is on the special request of rmkimnamjoon2712

Kongpob stood leaned on the door of his locker as he glanced at his watch every now and then, waiting for someone in specific to arrive

"Isn't he late?" Kongpob mumbled to himself

Looking around, he was ready to give up and get to his class until his eyes found the one person they longed for, arthit

Arthit was walking towards the lockers, probably to put his extra stuff away, a small smile was playing on his lips until his eyes met Kongpob's and the smile dropped

"Good morning arthit" kongpob greeted

"What are you doing here?" Arthit hissed  at him

"Waiting for you, like everyday" kongpob replied shrugging his shoulders

"Why would you? Did I not tell you to not come?" Arthit asked

"Why are you pushing me away? At least tell me the reason" kongpob insisted

"You very well know the reason, I..I just can't do it" arthit replied, his voice coming out weak

"Arthit, at least listen to me, I know that you are just trying to push your feelings in" kongpob said, sounding rather desperate

"I'm not! I really don't want to be doing anything with you and I absolute hate you" arthit replied before he walked away

Kongpob sighed as he watched arthit leave, his heart ached at the other's words but he knew the other meant none of it, he knew what the actual problem was

Arthit has grown up in a very strict environment, night outs, parties, clubbing, drinking was a big no for his parents, he was hardly allowed to go out in the day

He wasn't allowed to bring any friends over and nor was he allowed to go over to any friends house, studies were the only thing they wanted arthit to focus on

Although arthit was a very bright student, he was mostly a loner, because of social anxiety that he had created due to his parent's

Kongpob on the other hand was from a very loving family, his parents could easily manage to win the coolest parent's award as they let the other do just anything he wanted

Kongpob was a good student as well, not the very best, but always one of them

Arthit was his first love and his only love, he had tried confessing his love for arthit more than three times, but the other was just running away and kongpob knew why

His parents, they would never allow arthit to date a guy, he would only be further locked in the his home, and his world would only remain in the college building and in his room

Kongpob did understand him, he knew how pressuring it could get, but he only wanted arthit to try, to try and get out of the well, could he live like this forever?

Arthit was in the canteen, grabbing his food tray, he made his way to one of the tables before quietly taking a seat as he began eating

It was all normal and silent until kongpob hoped on the bench beside arthit, taking him by surprise

"How's your day going?" Kongpob asked cheerfully

Arthit didn't reply, instead he fixed his eyes on the food on his tray, wanting for kongpob to go away

"Was it a boring lecture class? I know, lectures can get extremely boring sometimes" kongpob said, as if talking to his own self

Arthit slowly looked up at him to find him staring right back and arthit immediately looked back at his food tray

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