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This story is on the special request of Bright-earth

"Kong! I'm home, honey" Aisha announced as she hopped towards their bedroom

Kongpob sighed before getting off his headphone and switching them off as he saw Aisha pushing the door to their bedroom open before grinning at him

"Something good happened, today?" Kongpob asked as he stood up, his eyes never reaching her face

"I got the contract I was dying for, let's celebrate, what does my baby want to do?" Aisha asked, putting her handbag away

Kongpob unconsciously took a few steps back when he saw Aisha approaching him and that made her stop midway, her smile being replaced with an angry frown

"What's your problem?" Aisha barked, ruder than she had intended to

"H..Huh?" Kongpob asked back, looking up at her for a second before looking away again

"Am I that ugly? Why can't you ever look at me?" Aisha questioned, walking towards him

"Aisha..I.. " kongpob was cut by her grabbing his arm

"Call. Me. Alpha. You. Ungrateful. Brat" Aisha commanded through her gritted teeth

Kongpob parted his lips to reply but no words fell out, he was beyond scared, he knew what was about to happen because it wasn't a rare sight and instead it happened rather frequently

"Hands, now" Aisha ordered

Kongpob forwarded his hands, his eyes watering, being an Omega he was sensitive and whenever Aisha spoke in her Alpha voice or had her Alpha aura, it scared him to the core

Pulling out the iron scale she had in her drawer, she hit the palm of his hand harder and harder each time, until it shined bright red with a few drops of blood oozing from the tiny cuts

"Put on whatever medicine you'd like, and sleep on the goddamn floor" Aisha stated before she walked away

Kongpob fell back on the floor, clutching his wrist in his other other hand tightly, wanting the pain to go away but it didn't, the pain took over him and before he knew, he fell unconscious

Kongpob's eyes fluttered open and he immediately winced in pain, his palm was stinging as he felt a light feather like substance over his hand

He shifted his head just right enough to be staring at Aisha who sat beside him, applying what seemed to be like an ointment on his palm with a cotton dab, blowing at it every second or two

"Alpha.." kongpob whispered

"Kong, you woke up? I'm so sorry baby, please forgive me, Aisha, you can call me Aisha, baby" Aisha replied, caressing his cheeks softly

Kongpob shut his eyes close at the feeling, he hated her being so close to him and he hated how helpless he was right now, there was no way that he could get away

Aisha was a dominant Alpha, it was rare to have female Alphas but not impossible, she was one of the rares who had fallen for kongpob, a rare male Omega

She forced him to marry her, threatened his family and went to all the extreme limits leaving the other with no option, and at the end he had to marry her, even though she wasn't his mate

Kongpob never received a chance to meet his mate, he was sixteen when Aisha lay her eyes on him and since then he had been hidden away from the world

He is not allowed to step out of their house, he has no friends at all and even if he wishes to go to simple places, like the grocery store, Aisha has a constant tracker on his phone

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