it's you

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This is the continuation of my story "mates" on the special request of AngelKatsumi BTS_F7 mohainaalisarat smillingk Susmitha3

"Kong, do you want me to get you something? I'm going to the grocery store" Arthit yelled out from the living room

"No wait! I will come with you" kongpob yelled back, hurrying towards the other

"Alright honey, slow down" Arthit chuckled, patting his back

Kongpob only grinned in response, standing on tip toes he planted a kiss on the other's cheek making him smile in satisfaction

"Let's go and come back soon, I want to keep you so so close now" arthit mumbled, pulling the other in a hug

Kongpob giggled, his head immediately laying on his mate's shoulder who caressed his hair softly and calmingly

"If you keep doing this, we might never go" Kongpob whispered

Arthit groaned but pulled away nonetheless, pouting as he didn't want to let go but Kongpob dragged him towards their car

Arthit and Kongpob have been married for a year now, arthit proposed him just a week after he helped him move out from the place he lived in with Aisha

Kongpob agreed almost immediately and they moved in together, by the countryside because kongpob loved it there

Kongpob never knew if he could escape Aisha ever, before meeting Arthit, his real mate and then there was nothing Aisha could do about it, Arthit always got what he wanted

How would he not? He was the only heir to the purest and the rarest pack of Alpha's and there was nothing he could not do, it was an unwritten rule to abide by his rules and needs, nobody could dare deny him

Aisha though, did try to play her tricks and take Kongpob somewhere far away, but once Arthit learned about her plans, he wasted no time in getting her locked up as a servant for his pack

Kongpob was more than happy when he found out what happened to her and that was the first time he had jumped into Arthit's arms and kissed his cheek, grinning all alone

"Honey, go grab the dairy products, I will be near the fruits section" Arthit informed, ruffling his hair

Kongpob nodded and went his way while Arthit pushed the trolley to the opposite side, examining the fruits and looking for all of the Kongpob's favorites

"What do you want to have for dinner, Oon?" Kongpob asked

"Anything is fine" arthit replied, snaking his arms around the others waist

Kongpob smiled to himself, chopping the vegetables while arthit stood close to him, his face stuffed in his neck, kissing it from time to time

"Oon, it's tickling" kongpob giggled

Arthit giggled with him, peppering his neck with more and more kisses

"I will be in my study completing some work, okay?" Arthit asked, inhaling his smell for the last time

Kongpob nodded at him, still smiling from all the giddiness inside him

"I love you" arthit mumbled

Kongpob only smiled wider and his eyes shined, his cheeks heated up and he immediately got back to work

Arthit sighed, he knew that kongpob found it difficult to express himself in words but sometimes it just hurt him a little, how the other couldn't even mumble out three simple words

"Kongpob" arthit called

Kongpob stopped at once and turned around with surprise in his eyes and a pout on his lips, his nickname being snatched

"Kongpob?" Kongpob repeated questioningly

"Yes, Kongpob, do you not love me?" Arthit asked

Kongpob's eyes widened and he shook his head, taking a step closer to Arthit and looking straight into his eyes, immediately feeling submissive

"You never tell me that you love me" arthit reasoned out

Kongpob's head hung low as he fiddled with his fingers, and arthit sighed again

"I'm going to complete my work" arthit mumbled, ready to leave

"Oon!" Kongpob called

Arthit sinply raised an eyebrow at him, wanting to be alone for a while

Kongpob moved closer and hugged the other tight, who wasn't in the mood but hugged him back nonetheless

"I..I love you, Oon, I really do love you so much, trust me please and don't be mad" kongpob mumbled, placing a kiss on his covered chest

Arthit bit his lower lip, smiling so brightly his dimples on full showcase as he pulled Kongpob even closer

"Finally.." arthit whispered

"Also, Kongpob? Why?" Kongpob whined

"I'm sorry my baby, I was a little upset" Arthit replied, kissing his pouty cheeks

Kongpob huffed out but smiled anyways, placing his head back on his chest and arthit swayed them from side to side, loving the feeling

"I love you.." kongpob mumbled

"Say it a thousand more times, and I will enjoy it more and more" arthit giggled

I purple you 💜

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