Please, stay mine

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This story is on the special request of q_Lina

"Let's just stay best friends forever" Arthit mumbled, his head hung low

"Huh?" Kongpob asked confused, his smile slowly falling

"I don't want us to start dating, there will come a point where we no longer love each other or where we run out of love, but being best friends can be a forever thing" Arthit explained, glancing up at the other

Kongpob blinked a few times to brush away the fresh tears brimming in his eyes, as he tried to pass on a sweet smile to the other

"I..If that's what you want" kongpob whispered, not trusting his voice to be stable

Arthit nodded in response, his eyes resting on Kongpob's face while kongpob looked everywhere but at Arthit, he didn't have the strength to

Arthit and kongpob had been friends for a while now, when kongpob confessed to him about the love he held for the other, who broke his heart with his logical suggestion

Kongpob knew that would never be the case, he was never going to fall out of love with him, no matter how much time passes or whatever happens, this would never happen

Arthit groaned in annoyance when his alarm rung disturbing his sleep, switching it off he got off the bed, ruffling his hair and trying to rub the sleep away from his eyes

He immediately made his way to the washroom, splashing water on his face in hopes of feeling a little more awake, and then he carried with his daily routine

Once he had taken a bath and was ready to leave for work, he grabbed his phone to check for the day's messages but there were none other than a few of his work mails

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, that never happened as Kongpob always seemed to drop him a greeting message no matter how busy he was, pouting at the screen Arthit felt a littke disappointed

However, he pocketed his phone and grabbed his car keys, making his way to the parking lot, towards his car to leave for work and maybe call kongpob during the lunch

Kongpob on the other hand was at his place of work, he had an early morning meeting to attend and so he had been in his office for quite a while, not getting any time to check his phone

Once he finally found a little time he plopped on his chair in front of his desk and switched on his mobile phone, to find two missed calls from Arthit and a message


Where are you? Are you busy?

Kongpob sighed as he caressed his temple before he clicked on the call button, putting the phone to his ear he waited for the other to pick up, who picked up rather immediately

"Where were you?" Arthit asked, shuffling through the papers on his desk

"I was a little busy with a meeting I had to attend, you needed something?" Kongpob asked back

"I was just worried about you, you didn't wish me a good morning like always so I thought something was up" Arthit explained, sounding sulky

"I'm sorry, Good morning Oon" kongpob replied, chuckling softly

"Good afternoon, kong" arthit giggled

Kongpob glanced back at the clock hanging on the wall as he realised it was already afternoon

"I will get back to you later, I have quite a lot of work today" kongpob stated as he hung up without waiting for the other's response

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