My love

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This story is on the special request of rupaul00

"You can make yourself comfortable on the bed, I will sleep on the couch outside, if you need anything you can call me, okay?" Arthit asked, a polite expression over his face

Kongpob nodded shortly, his eyes fixed on the floor as he shifted in his place a little uneasily

Arthit nodded in acknowledgement before he grabbed a pillow and duvet, making his way to the living roomz shutting the door close behind him

Kongpob let out the breath he didn't know he was holding as he lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling not a hint of laziness in his body

Kongpob and arthit had just gotten married, it was a typically arranged one, neither of them had any sort of a bad blood situation with one another, it was just new and neutral

Kongpob turned to his side, wondering about what his life was now going to be, a house maker was what he had decided to be, it seemed homely to him but would it now, in a completely new home?

His thoughts roamed all over the place but due to how tired he was, it only took him another ten minutes or so to fall asleep without a single thought anymore

Arthit on the other hand, lay uncomfortably on the couch trying his best to fall asleep, he had an early office the next day and a sleepless night would surely never help

Frustrated at the lack of space, he stood up and decided to shift the central table to the left, finding the carpet a little more comfortable, he lay straight and groaned as his muscles relaxed, falling into a deep slumber soon after

The next morning was chirpy, Kongpob was in the kitchen preparing breakfast while Arthit was upstairs, getting ready for his day

"Is it ready?" Arthit asked, fixing his tie as he walked down the stairs

"Yea, you can take a seat" kongpob replied, fastening his work

Arthit quietly proceeded to take a seat on the dining table as kongpob served him the breakfast, the very next second

"It looks, delicious" Arthit commented

"Thank you..." kongpob mumbled, a hint of blush adoring his cheek

Arthit dug in without any further delay while Kongpob remained in his dreamland, the compliment was enough to make his day the best of any from the past

"I might be back home a little late, you can have your dinner and sleep, you don't have to wait for me, alright?" Arthit asked, wiping his hands with a tissue

"I..but can I, if I want to?" Kongpob asked back, a little hesitant

"It's up to you, kong" arthit replied, followed by a short chuckle

Kongpob smiled back, waving as Arthit left, he felt good and satisfied, maybe it wasn't going to be so bad after all

"Kong! Can you stop doing that?" Arthit yelled, annoyance filled in his voice

Kongpob only stuck out his tongue at the other, who glared at him furiously

"I told you, I need to work, right?" Arthit asked, pointing at the files in front of him

"But I want to watch a movie, we decided that we would like a week ago, your work is the problem" Kongpob replied, pouting

Arthit sighed, caressing his temple as he noticed Kongpob proceeding towards the table again to snatch away the files, and before the other could suceed in his plans, arthit caught his hands and pulled him with force

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