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Kongpob was bored would be an understatement, as he scrolled through his Instagram feed, waiting for arthit to be back home from work

He was mindlessly scrolling when a certain video caught his attention ignoring your boyfriend's Kisses to see his reaction

That sounds interesting Kongpob heard his brain mischievously whisper

"It does" Kongpob whispered back to his brain with a giggle

Glancing at the clock, he realised that arthit could be back home any minute, and he was ready to play the prank on his sweet, innocent boyfriend

Getting off the bed, he walked towards the kitchen, deciding to finally start preparing the dinner, he heard the door clicking open followed by Arthit's tired voice

"I'm back home"

"He sounds tired" Kongpob mumbled to himself with a pout

Not even a minute later, Kongpob felt two arms circling around his waist, and the next second arthit placed his chin on Kongpob's shoulder, looking rather tired

"Rough day?" Kongpob asked

"Not particularly, it was just a tiring one" arthit replied, stuffing his face in the back of Kongpob's neck

"Go take a shower, I will try and prepare the dinner a little early" Kongpob said, chopping the vegetables faster

Arthit hummed in response, placing a long kiss on Kongpob's cheek he was about to leave when something stopped him in his tracks

Kongpob had wiped off the kiss from his cheek without uttering a word, Arthit's eyebrows furrowed, why would Kongpob do that? Was he mad at him?

Arthit leaned in again and now placed a kiss on the others temple and found him wiping it away immediately, arthit was now seriously confused, thinking of it as nothing much and just his tired mind's imagination, he walked upstairs to take a shower

Kongpob sighed, he was do close to giving up already seeing how tired arthit looked, but no, he was going to complete the challenge, yes he would, though would he?

Kongpob was laying in the bed, waiting for arthit, who was down in the living room, checking all the locks being the overprotective person he was

Kongpob heard the door creaking open and immediately spotted a drowsy arthit walking in and plopping down on the bed

"Oon, come up and lay down properly" Kongpob said softly

He doesn't seem angry thought was Arthit's first thought at the others words

Nonetheless, arthit crawled up to his spot on the bed and tucked himself under the blankets

"Are you not sleeping right now?" Arthit asked, as he noticed Kongpob opening up the book he was currently reading

"I will read for a while and then sleep" Kongpob replied, his eyes fixed on the book in his hands

Arthit nodded, placing a kiss on Kongpob's forehead, nose and lips he lay down but noticed Kongpob wiping off the spots the next second

"Why?" Arthit whined

"What?" Kongpob asked, keeping on a  confused face

"Why are you doing that?" Arthit asked back  

"Doing what?" Kongpob asked

"Wiping off my sweet kisses?" Arthit asked pouting

"I'm not" Kongpob replied with a straight face while he was trying his best to not laugh at the others cuteness

"Oh you are!" Arthit exclaimed ad he sat up straight, placing a kiss on Kongpob's forehead who immediately wiped it off

"See!" Arthit said, huffing out angrily

Kongpob bit the inside of his cheek, trying to not burst out laughing

"I'm going to sleep at the couch, you can sleep here without any kisses" arthit said, grabbing his pillow

He was about to get off the bed when Kongpob pulled him back, laughing out loud while arthit only glared at him

"I'm sorry oon! It was just a prank" Kongpob replied chuckling

"Prank? Gosh, don't play any prank you see on the internet" arthit said pouting

"I'm sorry, I wouldn't do it again, I promise" Kongpob replied, kissing the others cheeks repeatedly and now it was arthit, who wiped off the kisses

"No kisses for you now, I'm mad" arthit mumbled, his pout never disappearing as he pulled out from Kongpob's grip and his under the blanket

"Oh, how long is oon going go be angry huh?" Kongpob chuckled, tickling the other from over the blanket who giggled trying to breathe in between the giggles

"Stop *giggle* I won't do *giggle* it" arthit managed to speak

Kongpob smiled adorably at other other, before placing a long peck on his lips at which Arthit's eyes happily twinkled

"I love you oon" Kongpob said

"Surprisingly, me too, I love you too" arthit giggled as kongpob smiled at him fondly

A small birthday present for q_Lina hope you like it!

I purple you 💜

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