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This story is on the special request of rupaul00

"Kongpob! I told you to leave me alone, didn't I? Can't you see that I'm working and it is way more important than your constant need for attention?" Arthit yelled in his Alpha voice

Kongpob visibly shivered, his head immediately bowed down and his eyes tearing up, his shivering fingers clasped in a fist as he tried to mumble out broken words

"I'm.. I'm sorry, Alpha.." kongpob mumbled, before sprinting away

Arthit sighed as he noticed the other's urgency to leave, this was not what he wanted and he always did try to not use his Alpha voice when the other got him all worked up

Arthit was completing a very important work for his troop, being the leader of the pack it was necessary for him to look after a lot of things, a few matters weren't working out which resulted in him feeling frustrated

Kongpob being an Omega, was shy, sensitive and very attention deprived no matter how much of it was given to him, no doubt arthit loved his clingy behavior but he needed to make the other understand that sometimes it just isn't the time

Arthit regretted what he had done, Omega's are very sensitive and submissive when it comes to the Alpha's voice and it's hard for them to come out of that space of fear for a while

Arthit glanced at the papers scattered on his table, shutting his eyes close he took in a deep breath and decided otherwise as he hurried to their bedroom, knowing that's where the younger one would be

Arthit pushed the door open only to find him curled up as ball in the corner of room, crying his eyes out with his head in between his knees, not caring about anything happening around

Arthit's heart ached at the sight and he walked further in, crouching down in front of the other to meet his level who flinched even with the touch of their shadows

"I'm sorry, Alpha..I.. I wou.." kongpob was cut by arthit pulling him closer

Arthit held him close to his chest, patting his back softly and kissing his hair repeatedly, whispering sweet nothings in his ear

"I'm sorry baby, please forgive me" arthit whispered, kissing his ear lobe softly

Kongpob sucked in a sharp breath at the section, his ears being the most sensitive and reactive part of his body, and it always calmed him when arthit kissed him on his ear

Kongpob slowly clutched Arthit's shirt into his fists, snuggling himself deeper into the other and letting out a few final sobs before calming down

"Do you want to take a nap, baby?" Arthit softly asked, caressing his hair

Kongpob wordlessly nodded against his chest and arthit lift him up in his arms before laying him on the bed gently as he quickly crawled under the covers top

Arthit wrapped his arms around the other's waist and pulled him closer into himself, placing his chin on his shoulder while kongpob entangled their hands resting on his stomach

"You were scary.." kongpob mumbled with a tiny pout

Arthit screamed internally at how adorable his mate was, nuzzling his nose in his neck he peppered his neck with several kisses

Kongpob giggled in response to his actions and turned his head just a bit to be able to place a smooch on arthit's cheek who grinned at the gesture

"I'm sorry, my baby, I was just a little angry on other stuff and took it out on you, forgive me?" Arthit asked, caressing his stomach in slow, circular motions

"Should I?" Kongpob asked back playfully, pouting as if it was a hard decision

"Will you not? Should I find a new mate then?" Arthit mumbled loud enough for him to hear, sounding casual

Kongpob's eyes widened and he changed his position to now facing Arthit who bit his inner cheek to not laugh out loud

"You have another mate? If I don't forgive you, you will leave me behind? Alphas are cruel" kongpob complained, pulling the other as close as possible

"Though I could never do that, there is just one reason" Arthit replied

"That is?" Kongpob asked curiously

"I just love you so much, more than anything in this entire universe, you have no idea what you do to me, honey" arthit confessed, pecking his lips

Kongpob blushed a deep shade of red as he hid his face in the crook of the other's neck who hugged him tight with all smiles

"Let me nap" kongpob whispered

"As you wish, honey" arthit chuckled

I purple you 💜

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