The dancer husband

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This story is on the special request of bottomkong

The alarm rung as loud as a siren indicating a fire, arthit jumped off the bed at once and hurried towards the washroom

Ruffling his hair, he brushed his teeth and changed into something comfortable, and walked back inside the room

Checking himself in the mirror, making sure he doesn't look too sleepy, arthit took in a deep breath before pulling the door open

As soon as he walked outside the room, the music blasted into his ears making him go deaf, sighing he climbed downstairs to the living room

Having sound proof room was indeed a great idea arthit thought to himself

Once reached, arthit switched off the speaker making the surroundings go silent all of a sudden as he found his hearing getting better again

"Why would you switch it off?" Kongpob groaned

"Because I needed to talk, and in between those yells you call music, I clearly couldn't talk" arthit replied

Kongpob grinned sheepishly before walking towards the other and pulling him in for a sweet hug

"First of all, good morning oon" kongpob greeted

Arthit hugged him back, placing his head on the other's shoulder he smiled lazily

"Morning" he mumbled

"So what did you want to talk about?" Kongpob asked

"Um..a holiday request appeal, maybe?" Arthit asked, unsure of his request getting fulfilled

"What kind of a holiday?" Kongpob asked raising an eyebrow as he pulled away

"Kong, see it's a Sunday, why can't we skip this dance exercise thing today? I have been so busy with my meetings the whole week, I'm tired today" arthit pouted

"Exactly! You have been busy the whole week, didn't exercise for a single day and so Sunday is the only day you have" kongpob replied

"Bu..can't you please spare me today?" Arthit asked, using the best puppy eyes he could come up with

Kongpob placed multiple kisses on Arthit's face making him scrunch his nose ever so cutely before he stood straight again

"Arthit, are you forgetting that I'm your coach?" Kongpob asked

"Aren't you my husband?" Arthit asked, gasping dramatically

"I was your coach first, so let's apply that relation to this situation right now and you ought to obey your coach, right?" Kongpob asked, smirking

Arthit scoffed at him, completely giving up, he began with the stretching Kongpob had directed him to start with as kongpob grinned in victory

"Do you mean to say I'm fat?" Arthit asked shocked

"A bit..maybe..." Pam's voice trailed off as she looked away

"Why would you say that p? I'm all fit!" Arthit groaned in annoyance

"Let's at least visit this place I'm taking you to, I promise it will be fun!" Pam replied, trying to convince her little brother who only scoffed in response

It was two years ago when arthit and Kongpob met for the first time, arthit is a business while kongpob is a professional dancer and also a fitness trainer

Arthit's elder sister Pam had suggested him to take classes with Kongpob since he was a very famous trainer who could reduce any amount of weight

Although at first arthit was a little offended, he didn't want to believe that he had gained weight, but a few days into the process, he realised that he actually did

Climbing up stairs or lifting heavy materials made his bones break and hurt like hell, his breath shortened if he ran even for a short period of time, and so he decided to take it seriously

The other thing which we took seriously besides his health was his trainer, kongpob, since the first second they locked eyes, arthit was completely in love and looks like Kongpob was too

Eight months ago, kongpob proposed arthit and they got married, although arthit had lost his extra weight successfully and is now conscious about his health, kongpob is just on another level

Skipping the exercise session was a big no for Kongpob, his exercise sessions had it all mixed, a bit of stretching, a bit of exercises and a little magical dust of dance and woosh! His classes are ready

On days arthit enjoyed them and on days he just wanted to turn back time and never meet kongpob again, but it didn't affect the other, consistency was the key

Arthit fell on the couch, all tired, beads of sweat formed on his temple, his T-shirt was all wet due to the heavy amount of sweat while kongpob stood just alright beside the couch

"Your strength has decreased again" kongpob informed

"I know" arthit whispered, his voice huffed up

Kongpob softly chuckled at his terrible state, before slowly bending and lifting up the other in his arms

As if by instinct, arthit immediately wrapped his legs around the other's waist and arms around his neck, laying his head on his shoulder

"How are you so strong?" Arthit mumbled

"Consistency is the key my dear husband" Kongpob chuckled

It surely wasn't what you might have expected, but I hope you liked it bottomkong

I purple you 💜

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