The rich crush

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This story is on the special request of q_Lina

"Are the candidates ready?" Arthit asked, taking a seat as he arranged the files

"Yes sir, they are, shall I call them in?" Mix asked, glancing at his watch

"Yes please, call them order wise" arthit replied as mix nodded

Around five minutes later arthit heard a knock on his door, fixing his tie for the last time he cleared his throat before answering

"Come in"

The door pushed open as he noticed a boy walk in, he seemed rather young, tan skinned, a confident smile on his face as he took a seat right in front of arthit and placed his documents on the table

"Good morning sir, myself, Kongpob sutthalik, it's a great opportunity I received to be here" the boy introduced himself

"Good morning Mr sutthalik, I'm glad you think of it as an opportunity to be here and I'm already quite impressed by your confidence" arthit replied with a smile as he grabbed the documents kongpob had brought along

"Thank you sir" Kongpob said

Arthit opened the files, scanning each document carefully, the latter was indeed very smart and impressive and arthit didn't find a reason to not choose him as his secretary, his records were perfect

"Mr sutthalik, the files say that you worked at sky electronics prior to this interview for one and a half year at a very impressive progress, so what is the reason of dropping from there?" Arthit asked, placing the documents back on the table

"Well, there were  some normal middle class man issues, the company was way too far from where I live and it took me quite a while to reach there everyday leaving my mom alone at home, due to which I was never very assured of her safety, whereas this company is just fifteen minutes away and above all of it, the brand name here would be at a higher level, so it would benefit me as well" kongpob explained, the smile never leaving his face

"An impressive answer I see, let's assume I keep you at the job, would you be able to do it all? Without the experience of being a secretary?" Arthit asked

"I will surely learn and try to do it all, not everyone can have an experience since the first day, but I can surely try to not disappoint you or anyone here, doing the best I can" Kongpob replied

"Well in that case, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't hire you, Mr sutthalik" arthit faintly chuckled

"Well in that case, thank you sir" kongpob replied

"That confidence, I hope you show it in the company and in your work as well, let's start from Monday" arthit said, returning kongpob the documents

"Sure sir, thank you one again" kongpob bowed as he walked out

Arthit chuckled as he shook his head, getting up from his chair he left the room before mumbling

"Kids these days are something else"

It was a sunny Monday, a perfect weather to start a new job, that's what Kongpob thought as he entered the building of Rojanapat corporations

A wide grin plastered on his face as he reported at the reception of his arrival, registering his name and all the necessary details before asking someone to direct him to Arthit's office

Well that brings us to something interesting, arthit, Kongpob was hardly able to get the senior out of his mind, how could he? The other looked like an angel from the heaven

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