For granted

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This story is on the special request of BTS_F7

Kongpob let out another very tired sigh as he leaned his head back on the couch's headrest, glancing at the clock a quick yawn escaped his mouth, it was indeed getting late

The clock had struck two and arthit wasn't home yet, kongpob did understand that it was an important day at work for the other and that he had a very important meeting, bit it was getting too late

Seventeen missed calls and thirty five unread messages would be flashing on arthit's phone, kongpob knew it, they were all by him, his failed attempts of contacting the other

Kongpob was very close to either giving up or panicking, he didn't exactly know what would suit the situation, and just when he was about to take a decision the door bell rung loud and clear

Immediately getting off the couch, kongpob hurried to the door, pulling it open only to find a very tired looking arthit, slumping on the doorframe, he looked drunk, which somehow angered the latter

"Did you drink?" Kongpob asked, his hand over his nose, the smell was way too bad

Arthit nodded absentmindedly before he walked inside, kongpob shut the door behind him before following arthit to the living room

The other could barely walk as fell on the couch, giggling right after, before throwing off his bag on the floor, he closed his eyes, ready to fall asleep

"Could you care to explain me what this is?" Kongpob asked, tapping his feet on the floor

"This? It's a bag Kong" arthit replied

"Do I look like I'm joking? Weren't you supposed to be in an important meeting? Why are you drunk? No, why are you completely wasted?" Kongpob yelled the last word, feeling his patience disappearing

Arthit clenched his eyes shut as if getting disturbed by the other's voice, with great difficulty he managed to sit up straight before glaring at the other

"What do you know about important meetings? They usually end up with celebrations if successful!" Arthit yelled back

"Aren't you supposed to be informing your partner if this is how you are planning to appear?" Kongpob asked

"Well, I forgot" arthit shrugged his shoulders

"You forgot? I stayed up so late, when you know I have a habit if falling asleep by ten, I stayed up till two in the night just to wait for you! And you forgot?" Kongpob asked, his eyes wide in disbelief

"See, you are making it a big deal, not as if I do this everyday, right? Stop nagging me and go get your beauty ten o'clock sleep" arthit replied, laying back

Kongpob's eyes brimmed with tears, he was over doing it? Making it a big deal? Was he?

"Do you really not care about me arthit?" Kongpob asked, his voice breaking

"Stop over reacting, nothing such has happened, we working men have to get drunk a few times, it's nothing to get so offender at! Go and sleep!" Arthit replied in a rather irritated voice

Kongpob took in a sharp breath, puffed out his cheeks, wiping away the tears off his cheek, he nodded silently

"As you say, you working man" kongpob mumbled before walking away, not towards the room but outside the house

"Arthit! Arthit! Wake up!" Knot's voice echoed through the house

Arthit jerked awake, running his hand through his hair, he looked up at knot with squinted eyes and a questioning look

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