love you

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This is the continuation of my story "mates" on the special request of mohainaalisarat smillingk Susmitha3 AngelKatsumi BTS_F7

"Kongy, listen to me, honey please" Arthit requested pulling onto the other's arm

"No, you are mean, I don't like you!" Kongpob yelled out, turning to face the other side

Arthit sighed, caressing his temple as he tried yet again to call the younger one and ask him to look at him, but the other was more than stubborn

"Baby, trust me, I really tried my best" Arthit mumbled, pulling onto the other's shirt

Kongpob turned around, his eyes brimming up with fresh tears as they rolled down one by one and Arthit's heart fell into the pit of his stomach

"It's my birthday, p'.." Kongpob whispered

Arthit nodded softly, hating the sound of p' from his lover's mouth, it always came out when the younger was furiously furious or genuinely upset

Arthit stretched out his arms for the other to crawl in, Kongpob hesitated for a second before giving in and crawling onto the other's lap

Arthit placed the other's head on his shoulder and tangled his fingers in Kongpob's hair, playing with the black, silky locks ever so delicately

Kongpob sighed in content, nuzzling his nose deeper into Arthit's neck inhaling his Alpha scent whike doing so, the scent itself making him feel weak all over his body

"Love, I know how much this means to you, and you know na? Each of your birthday means a lot to me as well, and I really really tried, but the meeting can't be postponed..." Arthit explained, placing several kisses on his temple

Kongpob shook his head, tears rolling down in a greater speed, the other was more than just moody and sensitive today, Arthit was finding it hard to have him under control

"Can't you arrange somebody else? Or just finish that stupid meeting here, in Thailand, why all the way to Korea? You won't be back for another two days after my birthday" Kongpob whined, clutching onto his boyfriend's shirt

Arthit sighed, placing his cheek over Kongpob's head he behan rocking back and forth to calm the other down, Kongpob was nothing bigger than a little kid in his mind

He needed constant care and attention, whatever Aisha did to him could not be all gone without leaving a trauma behind, Arthit was always more than ready to prove him with all the attention and love he needed but this was a little important

"Love, my baby, darling, I'm sorry..." Arthit whispered

Kongpob pushed the other's arms away and walked off, hurrying upstairs towards their bedroom and slammed the door shut leaving a concerned and stressed out Arthit behind who was also rather helpless

"Honey, I'm going" Arthit called, typing up his tie by himself with much difficulty

"Go" Kongpob replied in short

Arthiy sighed, glancing back at the other who lay under the blankets, piled up like a gum ball making Arthit smile just by an inch

Arthit slowly approached the other, placing a soft kiss on his head from over tha blanket, hearing no response as he walked off, making sure to shut the door properly before leaving

Kongpob peeked out of the corner of the blanket to make sure that Arthit was gone and then sat up straight, with his tear stained cheek, he knew he could be over reacting, but a birthday without Arthit? He was going to be all alone

He wiped off his tears before getting off the bed and into the washroom, to take a bath and begin his boring day without the other and wait for his worst birthday possible

The day and the following day passed rather slowly with Kongpob doing nothing but falling asleep everywhere in the house, Arthit would call him twice a day like a medicine dose and that was the only thing he ever waited for

The clock struck a sharp nine o'clock and it was time for the second doze of the day, Kongpob put his phone right beside him and lay still with his eyes fixed on the television

An hour passed and the phone didn't ping, Kongpob's lips turned into the smallest and the cutest pout, he couldn't believe it, it was his birthday tomorrow and Arthit couldn't even call the night Before? It sucked.

Kongpob glared at the phone and then shut it off, switched it off and threw it in the drawer of the bed side table, getting under the covers again and in just a while he dozed off

Arthit let out cold breathes each second, the night was chilly and the slight rain surely wasn't helping in making the weather any better

Arthit had finished his meeting and had immediately left, he blew hot breath into his palms as he rubbed them together, asking the driver to drive a little quicker

Arthit glanced at his watch which ticked eleven fifty seven, as he got off the car, paying the amount needed to the taxi driver, he dragged his luggage as fast as he could

Inserting the key he unlocked the door and walked further inside, dragging the luggage with him up until his room, he was tired would be an understatement

He pushed the door to his room open and smiled at the sight in front of him, there he lay, Kongpob tucked under the blankets with his cheek squashed into the pillow

Arthit left the bags by the door and took off his coat, slowly crawling under the covers and snaking his arms around the others waist, settling himself comfortably and nuzzling his nose in Kongpob's neck

"Happy birthday, my love" Arthit whispered, with a soft peck on his neck

Kongpob shivered before he turned around, still in Arthit's tight grip, his eyes wide and teary as he pulled the other closer and firmer

"How?" Kongpob choked out

Arthit caressed his back with his eyes closed, he felt relaxed and comfortable to be back in his baby's arms

"I took a plane aa soon as I finished my meeting, it took a lot of convincing but it worked" Arthit explained, placing butterfly kisses all over his neck

Kongpob bit his lower lip, only trying to pull the other even closer although it was humanly impossible to be any closer than they already were

Kongpob pulled back just a little, enough to face Arthit before placing a hundred kisses all over his face making him grin

"I love you"

"So do I, love"

I love over dramatic Kongpob!

I purple you 💜

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