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This is the continuation of my story "a letter" from my previous book "love tales" on the special request of artkongPM

"Krist, are you ready?" Krist's mother asked, a bright smile displayed on her lips

"Yeah mom, just give me a minute" krist replied, taking in a deep breath

Krist's mother nodded at him with a pleasant smile before making her way out of the room, to let the boy have his privacy for whatever reason

Krist lift up the letter he held in his hands for the last fifteen minutes, trying his best to gather up the courage to read it, taking in one last look at the door, he opened up the letter and tears pooled in his eyes

Singto, it was him, his handwriting, as unclear as ever, but as familiar as ever, a drop or two rolled down his cheek and fell right on the letter, smudging a few words in the process

Krist wiped away his tears immediately not wanting to ruin the letter before he read further, but his tears had other plans, they seemed to have no end at all

And just like that, the letter came to and end unlike his tears, it was over, all of it, the letter, their love, their story, them

How could singto be so blind? Krist didn't love him more than a brother? Bullshit, he loved him nothing like a brother, he loved him like his partner, his life partner

Why on earth would their life not be normal? Adoption was an option, there were hell lot of them, looks like conversation was never on the list

Why would he leave to China instead of talking things out? Why not come back, to at least meet him, one last time, before they were officially thrown apart?

But then maybe krist knew why, he could not bear it, the sight of his loved one, getting pulled away, and away from him was horrific, it really was, he felt it himself

He picked up a random pen from the table and flipped the letter, pouring his own heart out on its empty side

Only if you knew how much I loved you, only if I could tell you how much you meant to me, only if you could see how perfect we both were and only if I could show you how beautifully we fit together, it would have turned out some other way

But now I know it for sure, that's it's all gone, completely, forever with a burning sensation in our hearts, please don't regret us, because I never will, I'm glad we happened, I'm glad you happened

And thanks, I will, hopefully, lead on a happy married life, a happy one

I loved you, I love you, I will love you

Yours lovingly
Nong Krist

The letter was then pushed inside his drawer, he could never send it to singto, he couldn't break him more than he already was, krist never loved him, was his closure, singto always loved him, was krist's

I purple you 💜

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