Love, take care

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This story is on this special request of laviniagazsi, sorry for the changes I made

Kongpob sighed for the umpteenth time, feeling his patience level decreasing bit by bit, he just couldn't bring himself to memorise the formulas for his test tomorrow

Feeling his head ache with one look at this textbook, he decided to give it a break, leaning his head back on the heard rest, he shut his eyes close when he heard his phone ring loud and clear

Groaning at the disturbance in between his hardly taken rest, kongpob put the phone against his ear without checking the caller ID

"Kong?" Arthit's sweet voice echoed through the phone

"Oon" kongpob smiled softly, his frown long gone

"Hun, I have this business dinner party to attend tonight and since everyone is coming with their partners, I was hoping you would come too?" Arthit asked, his voice sounding hopeful

"Oon, I..I actually have a little work to get done with and above that I'm very tired..." Kongpob's voice trailed off

"Not the same excuse again, Kong I know you are really busy with college but can you stop ditching me all the time?" Arthit asked, sighing heavily

"I am not ditching you, I'm serious about it" kongpob replied, playing with the hem of his shirt

"So you mean to tell me that I will have to go all alone as always? Fine!" Arthit's voice came out frustrated as he hung up immediately

Kongpob shivered at the sudden increase in the other's pitch before throwing his phone beside him on the bed

Clutching his head in his hands, he felt guilt creeping inside him, arthit had the full right to he upset, kongpob had denied to spend time with him for so long

Everyone is coming with their partners

"I can't make him upset again..." Kongpob mumbled

Arthit pushed the door, he had successfully unlocked it with the extra pair of keys he had, throwing his bag on the couch, he immediately rushed towards the bedroom

"Oon" Kongpob called at the sight of arthit going through his closer rather silently

"What is it?" Arthit asked, not sparing him a glance

"Are you mad at me?" Kongpob asked back, slowly approaching the other

Arthit sighed, shutting his eyes close, he took a deep breath before turning around to face the other, who had a worried expression on his face

"Yes I'm, not because you are ditching me again, but because you aren't taking care of yourself, I understand you have lots of works but bun I want you to take care of yourself too, you should go out, meet people, it's important bun" arthit explained, wrapping his arms around the other's waist

"It's..I..alright, I'm coming with you, I don't want you to be mad or worried" kongpob replied, hugging the other, feeling soft all over his body

"That's like my bun" arthit mumbled, placing a soft kiss on his head

"You don't have to talk much if you don't want to, your presence matters, alright?" Arthit asked, holding the other's hand rather firmly

Kongpob nodded silently, feeling his anxiety coming out, he was not at a severe stage, but he disliked social interaction when he could possibly skip it, like today

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