His silence

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This story is on the special request of lazylioness555

College, it was something very horrible for Kongpob, every person made sure to live a memorable college life while all kongpob tried to do was to survive

Glancing at his watch, he hurried towards his very first class of the day, the corridor seemed way too long since he was running late for his chemistry lesson

Once reached, he quickly walked in and sighed in relief realising the professor hadn't come yet, walking towards the last bench in the corner most row, Kongpob took a seat

Placing his bag on the desk, he pulled out his books and his pencil case, turning the pages to the new chapter they were about to start today, kongpob began reading it

A few minutes later, the professor walked in, apologizing for being late, being the sweetest professor he was

"Good morning class, let's Starr with the new chapter now, shall we?" He asked earning a nod of agreement from everyone

Kongpob was about to go back to his textbook when the door of the classroom burst open and a familiar face walked in, panting heavily

"Seems like your alarm clock didn't work today either Mr Rojanapat" the professor chuckled

Arthit grinned sheepishly in response before marching towards the only empty seat left in the class, the one beside kongpob

Kongpob immediately shifted in his place, he wasn't used to this, people sitting with him was a foreign feeling for him, even though arthit was a regular bench partner he had

"Good morning Kong" arthit greeted brightly

Kongpob only nodded in acknowledgment, before he got back to his book

Arthit smiled at him before he too, pulled out his textbook from his bag and began studying

"Do you want to have lunch with me?" Arthit asked eagerly

Kongpob thought for a minute before he softly nodded making arthit jump in happiness which only made Kongpob blush

Kongpob followed arthit through the corridor towards the canteen, where they took a seat at the very corner and began their lunch

Arthit kept talking, about random things, his hobbies, his interests, his grades, his family, his friends and what not while kongpob only listened attentively

The lunch break was about to finish, kongpob had already finished his lunch and was silently waiting for arthit to do so too, until he heard a few familiar voiced which made his body freeze

"Look whose here, the loser of our college" hyun chuckled

"He's got a friend, who are you mate? You mute too?" Felix asked laughing out loud

"Oh of course, not as if he can talk, all this man be doing is time pass, who can manage a dumb mute fellow?" Han asked, passing a high five to hyun

"I don't remember asking for your opinions on my matters" arthit replied, as he stood up straight

"He knows how to talk back" hyun said, folding his hands in front of his chest

Kongpob stood up too, holding onto Arthit's arms, he motioned him to leave and drop the topic then and there but the other one wasn't in a mood to do that

"One more word against him and I will make sure to rip you into pieces!" Arthit yelled

"Looks like the lover got offended, be honest, all you want is time pass, you are never going to truly love him, are you?" Felix asked smirking

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