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This story is on the special request of sukhi-peraya

"Arthit are you really not going to listen to me? Like at all?" Kongpob asked aloud

"I won't!" Arthit yelled back before he made his way to the canteen

Kongpob let out a tired sigh, it was the third week, he had been trying to get arthit to talk to him since the last three weeks but nothing seemed to work

It was about three weeks ago that kongpob had confessed his feelings for arthit, and since then arthit has been ignoring him completely

Kongpob decided to try his luck sometime later, as he made his way to his next class, which was rather boring, biology

Arthit pulled the bag over his shoulder as he entered the chemistry lab for his practical lessons

"Now I want everyone to sit according to their roll numbers, and the partners you get here will be the one you will complete your assignment with" the professor explained

Arthit looked around and found kongpob grinning at him, rolling his eyes secretly he made his way to the other, plopping on the chair beside him

"Aren't we destined?" Kongpob grinned

"No!" Arthit replied, digging into his bag to pull out the necessary books as the professor resumed

"My place or yours?" Kongpob asked wiggling his eyebrows

"Shut up, I will be there by six or something, we will do the assignment in the living room" arthit replied before he marched off

Kongpob chuckled, shaking his head he made his way to his next class with the idea of arthit and him in the living room, studying obviously

Arthit knocked for the fifth time, tapping his feet in anticipation, where was kongpob so busy at?

Another five minutes passed before kongpob finally pulled the door open with a silly grin on his face

"Where were you dying?" Arthit asked as he walked inside

"I..." Kongpob stopped midway

Before kongpob could even complete his sentence, a girl of nearly their own age smiled at arthit in acknowledgment as she tightened her heels

"Hello, I'm Ana, nice to meet you" the girl introduced herself

"Arthit" arthit replied, staring at her from top to bottom before scoffing silently

"An, did you take the hoodie you wanted?" Kongpob suddenly asked

"Ah! I chose one and placed it on the bed, can you get it?" Ana asked back

Kongpob nodded at her before hurrying towards his room, leaving ana and an irritated arthit behind

"Isn't Ana short enough? What's an?" Arthit mumbled to himself

"Are you Kongpob's friend?" Ana asked

"Kinda" arthit replied looking away

"Oh, so is he pretty much single?" Ana asked, her eyes hopeful

Arthit turned back to look at her, he thought for a second before words rolled off his tongue without his command

"Nah, we are about to start dating" arthit replied

Ana's lips turned into the shape of an oh, as she nodded understandingly

Arthit internally smirked, believing that the girl would now step down for sure

"Here" Kongpob's voice echoed in the living room as he passed Ana the hoodie she needed

Arthit gave the hoodie a weird look before scoffing silently yet again

"Thank Kong" Ana replied, as she hugged him goodbye

Arthit's eyes widened and so did his mouth at the scene, but he immediately stood straight once he found the other two looking at him

"Who was that Ana girl? Family friend? You both seemed close? Why did she need one of your hoodies? Why was she interested in your relationship status? Di.." Arthit's interrogation was cut by kongpob

"Why so many questions? Are you perhaps jealous?" Kongpob asked wiggling his eyebrows mischievously

Arthit's cheeks glowed red as he immediately shook his head rather furiously

"Not at all, why would I be? What made you think that?" Arthit asked back

"Well the fact that you accepted that we are about to start dating" kongpob replied grinning

Arthit's eyes widened, his cheeks redder than ever

", that wasn't true" arthit mumbled

"Then I might as well tell her that I'm pretty single" kongpob replied turning towards the door

Arthit immediately pulled him towards himself as he placed a long peck on the other's lips, making him smile as wide as humanly possible

"You wouldn't" arthit mumbled

"So we are dating?" Kongpob asked grinning

Arthit nodded, biting his lower lip to stop hum from grinning as wide as the other

"Perfect!" Kongpob jumped up high making arthit giggle softly

"Aren't you going to help me even a bit?" Arthit asked

Kongpob shook his head like a child, tightening his grip around arthit, who was obediently sitting on the other's lap

"Want me to break up already?" Arthit asked raising an eyebrow

Kongpob pouted at the question making arthit chuckle as he resumed with the assignment

"By the way, you know Ana..." Kongpob's voice trailed off

"Make sure to choose your words wisely Mr sutthalik" arthit warned

"Yes Mr future sutthalik" kongpob replied making arthit red in the ears

Kongpob chuckled at his reaction before continuing

"Ana is my cousin sister, it was all a preplanned drama and the hoodie was hers....I had bought it with me by mistake last week, when I came back from my hometown.." Kongpob explained

"You made me date you for nothing?" Arthit asked a little louder, turning to face the other

"What do you mean nothing?" Kongpob asked back surprised

"No, I mean.." Arthit's voice trailed off

Kongpob glared at him with his eyes wide, to which arthit responded with a sheepish grin and a peck on his lips

"I would have wanted to date you anyways..." Arthit mumbled, playing with the other's fingers

"I'm glad you would" kongpob replied, snuggling into his neck making him giggle softly

I purple you 💜

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