Never not

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This is the continuation of my story 'let go of you' on the special request of RK0063 Susmitha3 bottomkong BTS_F7 q_Lina Bookwormmmm193

It was a beautiful morning, the weather was cold and windy due to the heavily raining clouds, which didn't look like they would stop any sooner

Arthit shifted in his sleep, stretching his arms, he yawned, before slowly fluttering his eyelids open

The first thing that came in his view was his beloved son, sleeping right beside him, his hands tightly clutched in fists and an adorable pout lingering on his lips

Moving his eyes a little away from the tiny bean beside him, the next view wasn't any less beloved, kongpob, with his hands wrapped around Fiat rather protectively was sleeping ever so cutely

Arthit smiled at the scene in front of him, he enjoyed this particular view he got to see every single morning since he was the one to wake up first in the house

A few minutes later he watched Kongpob's sleep getting disturbed due to the light that flashed in the room since the curtains were open

Although it was heavily raining and there was barely any sunlight, even the slightest brightness could disturb Kongpob's sleep, this was something arthit had learnt about him

Quickly getting off the bed, he pulled the curtains to cover the window, preventing from any light to come in as he sighed noticing kongpob getting back to his deep sleep

Arthit decided to head out to the kitchen, to maybe prepare the breakfast all by himself today, since kongpob had moved in, he made sure that arthit did no household works at all

Arthit was always amazed at how perfectly Kongpob managed it all, with his own job, just like Jennie did, kongpob took over her place in just the right way

Arthit was all ready to leave to the kitchen, putting on his slippers when he heard a faint voice call him out softly

"Daddy?" Fiat mumbled

Arthit turned out, noticing Fiat sitting up straight with his hands up in the air, gesturing for arthit to lift him up

Arthit let out a soft chuckle before proceeding to lift up the sleepy baby in his arms, who placed his head on the other's shoulder lazily

"Why are you up so early bun?" Arthit asked caressing Fiat's hair

"Don't wanna sleep anymore" fiat mumbled

Arthit giggled at his babyish voice, before walking towards the kitchen with the other still in his arms, not forgetting to close the door behind him

"Are you helping me then?" Arthit asked

"Yes daddy! I am going to help you" fiat replied rather excitedly

Arthit chuckled, forwarding his hand for a high five which Fiat immediately responded to

Kongpob's eyes fluttered open, stretching his arms up in the air he yawned, ruffling his hair, he glanced at the clock, which made his eyes go wide

"Shit! How did I sleep until so late?" Kongpob asked himself

Getting off the bed, he hurried downstairs to the kitchen, worrying about the breakfast, and wondering where the other two were

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