Chapter 81- Pretend to be ill!

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"You're going to watch Yin Luo Xue?" Qin Shaoyu heard a surprise.

"No?" Shen Qianling was a little hesitant.

"Do it naturally." Qin Shaoyu obeyed his words, "but why remember to meet him?"

"You can't do nothing all the time." Shen Qianling was sitting on the bench. "You are a man in the rivers and lakes, so I naturally need to know more."

Qin Shaoyu kissed his cheek, "I like this sentence."

"And there is another reason!" Shen Xiaoshou said with great caution and indignantly, "You are not allowed to look for Yin and Frost alone in the future!" Yesterday, the belt was gone, what if the pants are gone today! It's terrible!

Qin Shaoyu: ...

Shen Qianling's expression was very domineering!

I am the main room!

"Mrs. is more concerned, ten Yinshuangshuang can not reach you." Qin Gongzhu took the opportunity to say something ruthlessly.

"That is necessary!" Shen Xiaoshou narcissistic Yi Nahan.

The dark guard nodded collectively outside the window.

And our lady has a little round tail!

Shake is just heartbreaking, okay?

The master of Yinmen cannot compare!

So after eating a simple breakfast, the two rode together to Qianwu Shuizhai, and the people along the way saw the chickens froze. They felt that it was very hot and unbearable to ride the horse on the horse.

That's right, the imagination of working people is so rich, proud of praise!

In Qianwu Shuizhai, Yin Wushuang was leaning against the bed to rest, and his eyebrows were a little tired.

Xiao Zhan poured a cup of tea for him, "Go to sleep."

Yin Wushuang shook his head. "Thank you Er Er for staying with me last night to help me."

"The doorkeeper is out of sight." Xiao Zhan sat in a chair. "Fighting the demon, this is what all martial arts should do."

Yin Luoxue lay groggy in bed. He had unconsciously gone crazy all night, if it was not a silver needle for Huatang, for fear that he is still manic until now.

"What do the palace masters plan to do next?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"I'll push out tapeworms for him," Yin Wushuang said.

Xiao Zhan frowned. "But last night I heard Huatang said that if she did not do her work properly, she would probably be eroded."

"So what." Yin Wushuang's voice was very light. "If he doesn't save him, even if it isn't because of poison, he will be exhausted." If you do n’t eat and drink day and night mania, even if you are strong, you will be able to boil for too long.

The courtyard door creaked and was pushed open, accompanied by the exclamation of Shen Qianling.

Xiao Zhan got up and went out to see what happened.

Shen Xiaoshou was shocked, and Qin Shaoyu held a white ferret in his hand.

"What's going on?" Xiao Zhan was puzzled.

"It's the little thing I keep." Yin Wushuang stood at the door, expressing expressionlessly, "scared by Shen Gongzi."

"... It's okay." But I was really scared. It was really scary to throw a white shadow on my face as soon as I entered the door!

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