Chapter 118: Pick it out!

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"After watching the lantern show?" Ye Jin asked.

Shen Qianfeng was puzzled.

"I just want to remind you that you still owe me an explanation." Ye Jin said lightly.

Since Qin Shaoyu was seriously injured, the matter has been delayed again and again. Now that everything has gradually returned to normal, there is no reason to escape. Although it is not a good thing to have a hunch in your heart, you can't hide forever, and you should always face it.

Shen Qianfeng heard all the words, and her thoughts were a bit chaotic.

"I don't want to say it again?" Ye Jin looked up at him.

Shen Qianfeng shook her head. "I promised you that I would not regret it."

"Let's go." Ye Jin just pulled a chair and just wanted to sit down, but he was suddenly pulled into his arms.

"What ?!" Ye Jin frowned. "Don't touch Lao Tzu before I say clearly!"

Then in the next second he was forced to kiss!

This is really very, very scary!

Ye Jin was shocked by the gorgeous beauty. When the reaction came and she wanted to push away, her waist was already tightly wrapped, her tongue was hot between her lips, and she almost ate herself!

Ah! Ye Jin closed her eyes and decisively slapped her palm up.

Especially ruthless!

In the crisp sound, Shen Qianfeng finally stopped.

"You took the wrong medicine!" Ye Jin resentfully as she wipes her mouth.

"I really like you." Shen Qianfeng looked at him.

"I liked the fact that you didn't have any shadows!" Ye Jin was furious. "Now you don't make it clear that you will come up. Are you getting water in your head?"

"I'm afraid you won't even see me after seeing it." Shen Qianfeng's voice was a little dumb.

"So take advantage of the cheap first?" Ye Jin continued to glared at him. This man is not suffering at all! Returning the leader of the martial arts in this way is simply a bully!

"Under the world, I just want to be mean to you alone." Shen Qianfeng was so frank.

Don't think that saying something nice will forgive you! Ye Jin was sitting on a chair like the queen mother. "Three feet away from me."

Shen Qianfeng obediently took two steps back.

"Before I forgive you, stand still." Ye Jin was very fierce. "Dare to touch me again and you will be dead!"

Shen Qianfeng nodded, "OK."

"Say it." Ye Jin poured himself a cup of clear tea.

"Before I met you, I went to Mobei with the court." Shen Qianfeng said.

"Then met a girl?" Ye Jin hummed.

Shen Qianfeng froze, "How do you know?"

"Kee." Ye Jin was teased by the tea, eyes widened. "My mother's photobook guessed blindly, are you really?"

Shen Qianfeng: ...

"It goes without saying." Ye Jin jumped out and went out. "We took a few shots."

"Xiao Jin." Shen Qianfeng held out his hand, "I didn't dare you to forgive me, but at least gave me a chance to tell you everything."

Ye Jin was so angry that she was the most scumbag in the world!

I'll beat you after talking!

The drizzle outside the window has stopped, the weather is cool and the breeze is blowing, the riverside lanterns are swaying and the sound of water is sloshing. If it is usual, the lantern will be lively at this time. The twenty-eight females are shy and timid, and the gentleman is touching the fan poetry. The hawker shuttles and sells the soldiers, and the people put the lotus lanterns to walk the concentric bridge. I really want to think about it. I want to be very harmonious and friendly! But this is just the usual, today's lantern festival is a bit special, because ... there is no one at all!

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