Chapter 127: Pack your bags!

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"Is the emperor here to recruit relatives?" Shen Qianling asked in a low voice, as if it were an underground party joint!

"I don't know." Qin Shaoyu handed the shrimp dumplings to his mouth. "Maybe it might be a game of mountains and rivers."

Shen Qianling obediently took a bite, and then continued to look down.

"Long gone." Qin Shaoyu knocked on his head. "Do not stare at other men."

But that's the emperor! Shen Qianling was so regrettable that he didn't see his face just now.

Qin Shaoyu squeezed his chin and turned his head over. "Don't watch."

"How can you recognize the emperor?" Shen Qianling was curious.

"Qianfan is an official in the DPRK, and Sun Moon Villa has always been in close contact with the court. When the new emperor ascended to the throne, the North Korean and Chinese gangs continued to suffer from banditry. Conquered, and made a great contribution. "Qin Shaoyu said," So after the rivers and mountains are solid, the emperor went south to praise the Shen family, and I happened to be in the Sun Moon Villa at that time. "

"The emperor has been to Riyue Mountain Villa?" Shen Qianling was surprised when he heard his words. "I haven't I seen him?"

"That's not true," Qin Shaoyu said. "At that time, the old fortress in Tanglao was a longevity, and you happened to be back to the Tang family in the southwest."

"Then what do you think of the emperor?" Shen Xiaoshou was very gossip.

Qin Shaoyu frowned. "Why are you so interested in him?"

Nonsense, you must be interested! That's the emperor! Shen Qianling hurriedly urged, "Hurry up!"

Qin Shaoyu shook his head, "don't say."

Shen Qianling held out two fingers, "twice."

"It's so generous for other men." Qin Shaoyu shook his head and sighed. "I usually bargain with me from one time."

Shen Qianling: ...

What's the difference between such things, anyway, even if it is said that touching the belly once in the end will eventually develop into countless times, maybe even Xiaoling will be touched.

"This young man." Shen Xiaoying's eyes flashed with hope. "At least what he looks like." I was really curious!

Qin Shaoyu thought about it, then dipped his forefinger in tea, drew a circle on the table, poked two eyes at random, and finally drew a mouth, "That's about it."

Shen Qianling said angrily, "I don't even have a nose, which is too perfunctory." It must be negative!

Qin Shaoyu glanced behind him, his mouth slightly raised.

"What did you see?" Shen Qianling turned around curiously, and saw two people walking upstairs.

Ahhhhh! Shen Qianling sat up straight and opened his eyes wide to see him—the emperor?

Qin Shaoyu nodded.

"I, I, I'm a little nervous." It was very unpromising.

Qin Shaoyu frowned. "You didn't see me again, what are you nervous about."

Shen Qianling: ...

Why should I be nervous to see you? Under any circumstances, even when you are not wearing clothes, it is impossible to see you nervous, okay, very relaxed!

"Such a coincidence." A laugh greeting followed suddenly.

Shen Qianling's cup "Dangdang" fell on the table!

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