Chapter 157: Give me back an expensive one in the future!

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After the previous fierce battle, the strengths of both sides were damaged, so during this period, they were both well-growth and the border was much calmer. Ye Jin also has a lot of leisure because of this-not too many wounded people need treatment, he goes to the pharmacy after the meal every day to get the whole herbal medicine, and then he can lie in the courtyard and watch a whole day of clouds, lazy, the whole person is like It's a cat in winter.

"Xiao Jin." Chu Yuan pushed in the door.

"What to do." Ye Jin yawned with her eyes closed, obviously desperately trying to sleep.

"After finishing the business, come and see you." Chu Yuan sat next to him. "I met the postman halfway and said it was your letter."

"Mine?" Ye Jin wondered, "Who wrote it?"

"Qin Shaoyu." Chu Yuan passed the letter to him.

"Nine out of ten | Nine is not a good thing." Ye Jin pouted his lips and opened the sealed fire paint. After reading it, he felt, "I am indeed a crow mouth."

"What's wrong?" Chu Yuan asked.

"Xiao Jiazhen had a bizarre murder case and told me to go to the autopsy." Ye Jin sat up.

"Post-mortem?" Chu Yuan refused, "This kind of thing is naturally pretentious to do, you are not allowed to go."

"If the masterpiece can be found out, he won't write the letter on purpose." Ye Jin kicked him, "Go and help me prepare a horse.

Chu Yuan was still not allowed, "Even in the case of a murder, it is also a local official—"

"You are so noisy!" Ye Jin interrupted with dissatisfaction.

Chu Yuan was helpless, "Xiao Jin."

"I didn't take your uncle, and you helped the local government to get things cheap!" Ye Jin looked at him with an expression such as "Lao Tzu is really bad, if you don't appreciate me, I will choke you".

Chu Yuan: ...

"I'll pick a horse myself." Ye Jin put on her shoes and walked out.

Chu Yuan sighed in his heart, what a bad temper ...

"He's leaving?" Shen Qianfeng was originally training in the training ground, and then hesitated after hearing the news.

"Yes." Riyue Shanzhuang Anwei nodded. "The Lord Ye Gu first received a letter from the Lord Qin Gong, and then went to the stables to pick horses. The emperor did not stop them."

Shen Qianfeng's head buzzed.

"It's good if you have a general here." The vice admiral was very interesting, and he patted his chest immediately after hearing the words.

"There is labor." Shen Qianfeng turned over and jumped down to the stage, spurring the horse away from the distance, without even walking up the steps.

The soldiers who witnessed the whole process said they were very moved!

In the camp, Ye Jin hurriedly packed up a baggage, and took a horse on his back and walked out.

"Why so anxious." Chu Yuan followed him. "Anyway, eat the food first."

"Don't eat." Ye Jin turned on his horse. "Life is off."

Even after one year, Chu Yuan was helpless with this younger brother, so he had to send someone to protect him secretly, and quickly pass through the officials along the way to take care of him.

The Northwest Plateau is a Pingchuan River, and it runs extremely fast. The wind was blowing in my ears, and I stayed in the barracks for days, but now I have a chance to come out, and I feel much better.

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