Chapter 126-The Great Person!

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"I don't know if the girl Tidu contested this time, could Li Zhai have a good candidate in her heart?" Qin Shaoyu asked after drinking and visiting three dishes.

"Because of martial arts, it is natural to find the best martial arts, and to protect her in the future." Li Tie said, "Although Zhenger is not my bones and blood, I have always regarded her as my biological daughter over the years, and naturally I hope she will have a good home. "

Qin Shaoyu smiled, "Mrs. Du is a well-known beauty. Presumably this contest will be very lively."

"Dare not dare, the master of the Qin Palace joked again." Li Tieshou waved his hands again and again, "If you look at the appearance, Shen Gongzi is the true one, 300 years before, 300 years later, in this world I'm afraid that only the master of the gate can compare with it. "

"Ahem." Shen Qianling was choked by Tang.

You can compare with fox spirits, and your whole family can compare with fox spirits.

Eat as much as you want! From time to time airborne artificial mines are really particularly annoying!

"Shen Gongzi is all right?" Li Tieshou concerned.

"It's okay." Shen Qianling quickly regained his coldness. "I'm just thinking about recruiting relatives."

"Recruiting relatives?" Li Tieshou was surprised, "Isn't Shen Gong also interested?"

Qin Shaoyu's face seemed to smile.

Who is interested in your daughter? Shen Xiaoshou wanted to growl with his collar very much. My man is very jealous. Don't talk nonsense!

"What does Linger want to ask?" Qin Shaoyu fed him a lamb with chopsticks, his voice was very gentle.

"If you really hope that Miss Du can be stable and happy in the second half of her life, naturally you should find someone who really hurts her, not someone who can fight." Shen Qianling looked at Li Tiehand. If you are irritable and unreasonable, you will still suffer from marrying. "

"I naturally thought of it." Li Tie nodded.

Naturally I think you are better than you! Shen Qianling groaned in her heart.

"How does the Zhaizhu plan to solve this problem?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

Li Tieshou laughed, "When the match is recruited, the two will meet each other naturally."

Shen Qianling has a god.

Actually sold off!

It's really annoying.

"Oh!" On the other side of the table, the hair ball was too much, and fell into a plate of iced sweet soup.

Shen Qianling: ...

Qin Shaoyu: ...

Li Tiehand: ...

My mother-in-law, the dark guard quickly fished out the owner of his young palace.

"Ahem." Li Tieshou admired, "Little Phoenix really is as rumored, simple and childlike."

"Hmm." The fur ball screamed weakly, apparently frightened.

The dark guard felt so distressed, even if the serious injury was not healed, he even fell into the soup.

It's really reassuring.

After finally having a meal, Shen Qianling moved back to the room and lay on the bed without moving.

Hurrying down the road every day, all the bones will fall apart.

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