Chapter 166: Mr. Shen is very lucky!

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Along the odor in the air, the two quickly found the warehouse where the oil was stored. Many people were watching around, and the defense was very strict.

"What to do next?" Shen Qianling whispered.

Qin Shaoyu fluently said, "Let me tell you."

Shen Qianling: ...

Are you really serious undercover?

Qin Shaoyu rolled his face.

Although Shen Xiaoshou wanted to call him a slap, he finally compromised angrily and kissed him quickly!

Qin Shaoyu's mouth raised, "Really good."

"Can we talk now?" Shen Qianling held his face, "What shall we do next?"

Qin Shaoyu calmly said, "I don't know."

Shen Qianling was instantly angry!

I wonder if you let me kiss!

What a traitor is really too much!

"Go to the north first to see those woods." Qin Shaoyu picked him up, and turned toward the north.

As the distance is gradually shortened, the aroma of the logs in the air is getting stronger and stronger, and it is incompatible with the surrounding desert. Qin Shaoyu led someone to avoid the guard and entered a felt room where debris was piled up.

"It's so dark." Shen Qianling's voice was very low.

"No one." Qin Shaoyu held him in his arms. "Don't be afraid."

"Where is this?" Shen Qianling asked.

Qin Shaoyu bowed his head and kissed his face. "The Treasury."

Shen Qianling: ...

Speak well and talk!

"It will take a while for the eyes to get used to it." Qin Shaoyu pinched his chin. "Time cannot be wasted."

Shen Qianling said angrily, "You are not right like this, do ... hey."

Qin Shaoyu clenched his waist and slowly deepened the kiss. When the two finally separated, Shen Qianling Xiaoshou was desperate again for him, a man who can be hum and kisses anytime, anywhere.

In the darkness, Qin Shaoyu looked at him with a smile, his eyes clear and handsome.

Shen Qianling kicked him angrily, his face red and red.

His eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and he saw that there were piles of wood around, and some wooden frames assembled halfway.

"Chariot?" Shen Qianling asked.

"Not like it." Qin Shaoyu crouched down and looked closely. "Also, no chariot is needed in the desert."

"What's that?" Shen Qianling looked at the two ends of the wood. "The shapes have been cut and they should be put together."

A piece of parchment was nailed to the half-finished wooden frame. Qin Shaoyu took out the fire and glanced at it.

"Blow it off after watching it!" Shen Qianling opened his clothes and blocked the light for him, very nervous.

"It's a pity that it blown." Qin Shaoyu lit the sheepskin roll and threw it into the gap of a pile of wood.

In the mind of Shen Qianling, the four words "killing and setting fire" immediately emerged, very suitable!

"Go." Qin Shaoyu took his hand and slipped out from the other side, his body was like a blast, and he hid in the night with a blink of an eye.

"It's a fire!" A moment later, an exclaiming sound came from behind, and it became noisy all around instantly.

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