Chapter 155: This story is so touching!

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"What's missing?" Shen Qianling didn't hear clearly, so he asked curiously.

"Stone." Qin Shaoyu calmly.

Shen Qianling froze, "What do you want the stone to do?"

"Naturally, I will help you find the ancient stone." Qin Shaoyu squeezed his nose. "I heard that it was here, but I didn't find it."

"... I really don't need it." Shen Qianling was a little surprised and guilty. "I wanted to play with fun at first, but now I don't want to."

"Um." Qin Shaoyu helped him cover the blanket. "I'll be back after a short rest."

"Where?" Shen Qianling shook his hand.

"The official government knocks the door." Qin Shaoyu said, "Take care of some things in the army. Let's eat together at night."

Shen Qianling nodded and watched him leave the courtyard.

"Oh!" Mao Qiu fluttered his wings and tried to go shopping with his father.

"No." Shen Qianling pinched its claws. "You are obedient at home."

The hair ball struggled a few times without success, so he looked at the dark Wei with a specially expected expression, and the little black bean eyes could be cute!

The dark guards collectively look at the sky, very unjust.

Mao Qiu expressed disappointment.

The prefecture here is called Xiao Jie. It was originally a family of military commanders who had guarded the northwest of the ancestors. In this generation, a prodigal Tanhualang came out. Chu Yuan sent him to the northwest as an official, but also wanted him and his brother to take care of each other. .

"What kind of father and mother is this?" An Weiwei wondered, "a son named Miss." Pick it up.

"Mrs. Xiao was a well-known female general at the time." Qin Shaoyu said, "The name was taken in memory of the original Pingxi victory. It is said that Mrs. Xiao was still killing her enemy in the battlefield in October and gave birth to this young son in the military camp."

An Weiwei said, "It sounds like another left-protection method."

"Is there a letter from Xiaowu recently?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"It should be, but it hasn't been delivered yet," An Weiwei said, "estimated in these days."

Qin Shaoyu nodded, "When the battle is over, we will go and drink a wedding."

"The lord of the palace." The dark guard hesitated to look at him, "don't want to let them come back again?"

"Of course I think." Qin Shaoyu smiled. "But everything can't be forced. It's not a bad thing to spend a quiet life in Yunnan." Although Duan Baiyue promised Chu Yuan to help the northwest, he only sent troops. In the end, he still stayed in the southwest without moving his nest. In addition, although he has a little tougher approach to Xiao Wu, he still cares most about love and affection, and how can he interfere more.

An Weiwei sighed in his heart and did not speak again.

Due to the relationship of the northwest region, the palace is not as small and exquisite as the white walls and black tiles of Jiangnan, but it is a lot rougher. The two giant stone lions in front of the door are very powerful and look very powerful.

"What are you two?" The martial law at the door was hesitant.

The dark guard unbuttoned the waist token and gave him a glance, "My house mainly sees Xiao Zhifu."

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