Chapter 87: -Clashes on cliffs!

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"It's Shen Gongzi and Qin Gongzhu!" The people queuing at the restaurant's door immediately got excited when they saw the two coming over!

This kind of scene must be watched even if a roast goose is posted down!

Especially rare!

There was a small stone on the road, and Shen Qianling stumbled accidentally. Qin Shaoyu's eyes quickly supported and pulled people into his arms.

The people saw it from afar, and immediately covered their chests with tears in their eyes and said they couldn't stand it. Is it really okay to be so loving! Wrestling can be done on foot. Shen Gongzi is as delicate and cute as the legend. We do not envy the Qin Gongzhu at all!

"So Shen Gongzi should be the first beauty in Wulin!" Murmured the crowd, "how can I be ranked second."

As soon as this remark came out, the people around them nodded collectively and said that you were right. There is absolutely no reason why the first beauty is the master of the door! There is no expression at all from day to night, and it is said that his temper is also very bad. He is not at the same level as the approachable Shen Gongzi!

"I bet Shen Gongzi will not lose his temper." Some old **** was here.

"Yes!" The masses nodded one after another. How could Shen Gong lose his temper, Shen Geng would only sit on the main leg of Qin Palace when he was angry?

Emma really can't think carefully!

Then in a look of enthusiastic anticipation, Shen Qianling slammed away Qin Shaoyu and went into the restaurant alone. His face was darker than that, and it looked like he was going to demolish the house the next moment.

The onlookers looked at each other for a moment, immediately applauded immediately, and felt that Shen Gongzi was really cute, and his character was very good ... As for what happened just now, we didn't see it at all.

That's right, this is the power of brain residual powder!

Everyone feels very cold feet!

Qin Shaoyu followed in, but his face did not look very angry.

There were already many martial arts people sitting around the table. When they saw him coming in, they naturally stood up to say hello. Shen Qianling didn't look at everyone for a moment. He pulled up a chair and sat down silently on the road, silent without saying a word, it was even colder than Yin Wushuang! With helpless eyes, Qin Shaoyu sighed after him.

The other factions looked in their eyes, and the first reaction was that the two couples were awkward. As the saying goes, it is difficult for officials to break housework. Such outsiders are not easy to intervene, so they turned around and started talking to each other, especially wanting to cover up! The restaurant became noisy for a while, and it dilutes the embarrassment.

"Linger." Qin Shaoyu sat softly beside him and asked, "Want to drink Emei or Pu'er?"

"Never!" Shen Qianling said coldly.

People in the rivers and lakes are silently feeling, it is a spoiled sense of rhythm ...

"Who offends Linger again?" Shen Qianfeng sat beside him and asked with a smile.

Shen Qianling didn't speak, but just stared at Qin Shaoyu severely.

Qin Gong's subject raised his hand to surrender.

The others were dwarfed in their hearts, and Shen Gongzi was so angry that he must not have been satisfied last night!

In the face of such a cute and beautiful little pink man, he does n’t know how to cherish it.

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