Chapter 171: The Return! pt. 2

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"The spring flowers are blooming." One afternoon, Qin Shaoyu hugged Shen Qianling from behind, "Our wedding is coming soon."

Shen Qianling said hehe, "You youngster, you really can laugh."

"Don't want to run again this time." Qin Shaoyu bit his ear, "Otherwise I'll tie you back to the Palace of Shadowplay."

"How good is so violent." Shen Qianling complained.

"Yes, you don't want to be obedient." Qin Shaoyu let go of his hand. "I have something to do with Qian Feng. You stay at home."

"Well." Shen Qianling said, "I took my son to look at Brother Ye. He ate more of the beans that San brought from the Western Ocean last night, and he was so excited." It sounds very stupid!

Qin Shaoyu smiled and nodded, and turned out of the door.

Shen Qianling entered the bedroom, and saw the hair ball bouncing on the table, with a beef jerky in his mouth.

"Oh!" Seeing him in, the fur ball opened its wings and welcomed.

"Why are you eating again?" Shen Qianling took the beef jerky out of his mouth, and he wanted to go out. Unfortunately, the fur ball was extremely uncoordinated. He kept twisting left and right in his arms, and frantically shook his head to protest. Finally, he jumped to the ground and began to run away with his claws. It was fast.

Shen Qianling couldn't help crying and laughed. As soon as he was about to ask the Dark Guard to help, he saw that the hair ball ran all the way to the original dark place, raised his claws and stepped on it vigorously, "Oh!"

"Can't play." Shen Qianling refused.

The fur ball continues to step on without hesitation, "Oh!"

The floor was cracked, and Shen Qianling was speechless.

"Oh!" The fur ball twisted to his feet and ran up his head to sell cute, little black bean eyes can be cute!

"Well, just play a little." Shen Qianling compromised, closed the door, took off the bezel, and took the small box out.

The fur ball looked excited and jumped onto the table with joy.

"I don't know what you like about it." Shen Qianling didn't understand it. "It's not round, and the colors are ridiculous."

But soon he knew the answer.

After stepping on the claws of the hair ball, the blood jade and red lotus fell into pieces in an instant and rolled out a bead from inside. It was extremely round and **** red.

Shen Qianling's head burst into a loud bang, and the whole person froze.

"Well." The fur ball was satisfied, playing with his belly on his back.

Shen Qianling settled his mind, turned and took out the wooden box from the cabinet, and put it on the table to gently open the lid.

In the Nine Palace grid, eight spirit stones are shining slightly, leaving only the last space.

Shen Qianling held the ninth Evergrande Cabernet in her hand, her hands shaking slightly.

Previously, Master once said that when the nine stars are connected, the space-time staggered astrolabe will be reversed, and he might actually go back.

When I first came to this world, I thought about it all the time, but now I finally have a chance, but I can't do the last step anyway.

Someone has taken root in the heart. If it is pulled out, it is feared that even a heart will be missing.

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