Chapter 132-The lingering poisonous tongue!

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"In a few days, the dark guard who went to Luoping Town to look for Xiaowu should return." Qin Shaoyu helped him cover the quilt. "Recently, Huantianzhai will not be very peaceful, and I will send more people to protect you."

"Relax, my chill is okay." Shen Qianling patted his chest, "You do what matters, don't worry about me."

"How willing to be regardless of you." Qin Shaoyu hugged him tightly, "Linger is my most important thing."

The dark guard was lying on the roof with tears in his eyes, and our palace lord was really touching when he was in love.

Ye Jin was leaning against the bed in the next room. After the hair ball woke up on the side of his pillow, he stretched his eyes with a closed waist and felt very comfortable.

The happiest thing in the world is not to sleep until you wake up naturally, but after you wake up to sleep naturally, you find that you can sleep again.

So Little Phoenix changed direction and lay down again, Mei Zizi closed her eyes again.

The bird who was not awakened was really perfect.

Ye Jin pinched his head with his fingers, got out of bed and poured a glass of water to drink, and then opened a fresh flower cake-he couldn't sleep horizontally, but it was better to eat something.

"Eh!" Mao Qiu opened his eyes.

Ye Jin was amused.

The fur ball jumped out of bed and fluttered his wings into his arms.

It's really cute.

One person and one bird became energetic after eating a snack at the table. The fur ball stood on the table, spreading its wings and howling with its mouth open.

Ye Jin easily took the medicine box and took out a silver needle from it.

"Oh!" Mao Qiu immediately watched, did he have to claw his feet again?

Ye Jin lit the candlelight and threaded it against the light.

The fur ball was extremely anxious, and he held up his claws to show him that he was really healthy.

"Go play with pearls by yourself." Ye Jin squeezed it back to Xiaowo, and found an old dress and cut it open.

Little Phoenix was lying in his nest, and he was curious as he sewed things.

A moment later, the fur ball got a little blue hat.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix was a little at a loss about what suddenly appeared on his head, so he moved to the mirror and glanced at it instantly!

Ye Jin also looked at it.

The fur ball jumped back and forth, wildly shook his head.

It's very domineering!

Although the stupid hair is hidden in the hat!

But still domineering!

Sun Moon Villa Dark Guard squatted on the roof and paralyzed through a gap face.

Because the young master had instructed, in addition to bathing and going to the hut, the rest of the time must be staring at Ye Guzhu.

It's really incomprehensible.

On the opposite roof, the Shadow Guard at the Shadow Palace has expressed contempt.

Seeing Ye Guzhu going to bed is obviously a big benefit, who do you want to show this expression of "I really have a big loss"!

What's more, there is also the innocent and young master of my house.

Adding up is simply a big blessing.

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