Chapter 113: End!

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In the direction of Qianwu Shuizhai in the distance, the sky suddenly exploded a blue firework, which was a sign agreed with Xiao Zhan that Qianwu Shuizhai had been captured.

So far, there is no way back, only a desperate fight. Feng Jiuye shot suddenly and attacked the two with all their strength.

Qin Shaoyu pulled his sword out of the sheath, and a cold light appeared under the moon.

Even though Feng Jiu Ye ’s soul-stealing palm has been practiced, Shen Qianfeng and Qin Shaoyu are among the best in the martial arts. Feng Jiu Ye is already struggling with one enemy and two, not to mention the addition of two phoenixes.

Hundreds of tricks came down, Feng Jiuye raised his palm and raised a black mist, turned and tried to escape. Qin Shaoyu waved to catch up, but accidentally dropped the wool ball in his arms.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix fell to the ground, dizzy and turned slightly blank.

As soon as Qin Shaoyu's face changed, he wanted to pick it up, but Feng Jiuye had already stepped on it. On the occasion of a critical strike, a large phoenix sharp arrow generally descended from the sky, waving his claws to leave four bloodstains on Feng Jiuye's face, and another phoenix leaned over and rushed the fur ball outside the condition into his mouth, quickly Fly away. Feng Jiuye's attention was all on Shen Qianfeng and Qin Shaoyu, and she was caught offense by the Phoenix. She felt a pain in her face and her eyes were covered with blood.

Qin Shaoyu took the opportunity to stand up and stabbed Feng Jiujie's chest with a sword.

Blood spurted out and even the slate was stained red.

The fur ball opened his eyes and stood on the tree and looked down.

The great phoenix calmly spread a wing and covered its eyes.

"Oh!" The fur ball was in a hurry, and it stretched its neck desperately.

The big phoenix simply stuffed it under his stomach.

The fur ball was desperately struggling, and the mood was not good.

Torii was really bumpy.

In Qianwu Shuizhai Village, there were no Phoenix Jiuye and the lost bird, and the demon cultists had almost no fight against Wulin Badao, and soon they were defeated. Xiao Zhan sent people to temporarily detain the captives back to the dungeon. The leaders of the various factions had been held in the water prison for too long, and their disciples had not yet arrived, so they temporarily rested in the village.

"May I take a bath?" Xiao Zhan asked Yin Frost kindly after the crowd dispersed.

A battle was fought with blood all over his head. The owner of Yinmen could not imagine his mood, so he snorted proudly, turned around and dragged his rags to leave, and looked extremely high-end!

This is called true fox spirit!

Very cold and noble.


Xiao Zhan raised an eyebrow and turned back to arrange follow-up matters.

After a while, Qin Shaoyu and Shen Qianfeng also returned to Qianwu Shuizhai.

"How?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"In the Yang family alley, find someone to pull the body back." Shen Qianfeng said.

"Phoenix night is dead?" Xiao Zhan rejoiced.

Qin Shaoyu nodded, sitting in a chair dreamy. The desired result has always been reached, and my mind was a bit unclear.

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