Chapter 90: -Yamano Village!

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"When will the caravan come back?" Shen Qianling asked again.

The village chief said, "It's hard to say. If the journey is smooth, I will be back in two or three months; but if I go far, it may be half a year."

Shen Qianling said anxiously, "How long does it take to get out of the mountain?"

"My son must not be able to walk alone," said the village chief. "Not to mention the criss-crossed roads, there will be fierce beasts later. If there are thunderstorms, mud landslides will occur from time to time. The dangers along the way are extremely difficult We can resist, otherwise we will not be here for generations. "

This is not okay and that is not okay. Looking at the unconscious Qin Shaoyu, Shen Qianling is about to get angry. Seeing this, the village chief kindly said, "If the son is not in a hurry, you can stay in the village and wait for the brother to recover. It is not too late to talk about the mountain."

I just came out of the mountain to find a doctor! Shen Qianling wanted to cry without tears, he didn't know how to tell him.

"I'm going to find someone to help you get some quilt food." The village chief got up and went out, really enthusiastic and simple!

Shen Qianling used the sleeve to help Qin Shaoyu wipe away the blood on his face, and leaned over and hugged him, "You don't have to be okay."

Qin Shaoyu's fingers trembled slightly.

"I'll go out to help you find a doctor." Shen Qianling said in his ear. "I will bring someone back as soon as possible. You must hold on."

Qin Shaoyu reluctantly opened his eyes and coughed dumbly.

"You're awake!" Shen Qianling was surprised.

Qin Shaoyu smiled weakly, "I'm fine."

"It's all right, it's okay!" Shen Qianling's eyes flushed.

"Help me up," Qin Shaoyu said.

"Get up and do something." Shen Qianling took his hand, "take a good rest."

"Condition the internal interest." Qin Shaoyu frowned a bit, "Feng Jiuye's soul killing palm has been trained, I will force the poison out."

Shen Qianling hurriedly helped him sit up.

"What did you eat for me?" Qin Shaoyu felt something strange in his mouth. "Sweet bitter."

"I don't know." Shen Qianling wanted to cry, "The village chief here said he was a doctor, and before I responded, he fed you a bottle of green water and said it could detoxify ... I shot you and you didn't Will spit it out! "

Qin Shaoyu smiled, "It's okay, it's a bit useful."

"Really?" Shen Qianling opened his eyes in surprise.

Qin Shaoyu nodded, closed his eyes and rested on the bedside-even if he only said a few words, he felt a little tight.

Shen Qianling sat by the bed, holding his hand and staying quietly.

"I'm too indifferent to the enemy." Qiao Shaoyu continued to look at him for a while and said, "Only the path of the demon religion."

"Does your injury have anything to do with poison?" Shen Qianling was completely in no mood to care about any evil or evil.

When Qian Feng and Xiao Zhan knocked down the first reported bird, I guess Feng Jiuye might use this method to attack Baidao." Qin Shaoyu said.

"Well." Shen Qianling helped him straighten his hair. "Don't think about it, it's not your fault to raise your body." We are the victims, okay!

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