Chapter 167: Come back home!

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After taking a shower, Qin Shaoyu called for some light meals from the kitchen again, telling Shen Qianling to take a good rest after eating, and then turned around and went out.

"Yeah!" The fur ball twisted into the room, hopped to the table, looked at Shen Qianling with great interest, and the little black bean eyes could be cute.

Shen Qianling's mouth was raised, and he reached out and rubbed his round body.

"Master of the palace." An Wei was waiting outside with the hill.

"You go with me." Qin Shaoyu said to Xiaoshan Road, "If the emperor asks, he said that you are only responsible for the miscellaneous decoction of the ghost master, and should not be implicated.

"Want to see the emperor?" Xiaoshan heard a word, "Can I not go?"

"The emperor will not eat you again." Qin Shaoyu said, "Moreover, without you, we would not be able to find Wangguihua so smoothly. This alone is enough to pass the power, maybe there will be a reward."

"... Then you have to talk." Koyama thought for a while. "I don't want to reward, just find a village to live quietly after the battle is over."

Qin Shaoyu agreed, and the two went to the study together.

"Drink." As soon as he entered the door, Ye Jin handed a light-colored bowl of sea medicine.

Qin Shaoyu frowned. "What?"

Ye Jin calmly said, "Five Poison Soup."

Qin Shaoyu: ...

"Hurry up." Ye Jin urged.

"It is hope to return flowers." Hill reminded softly.

Ye Jin glanced at him, "Who are you?"

Koyama glanced at Qin Shaoyu, and was frightened.

"It's the person who helped me find Wangguihua." Qin Shaoyu put the empty bowl on the table after drinking the medicine. "The name is Xiao Shan."

"You worked hard this time." Chu Yuan patted him on the shoulder. "Xiao Jin said that he would soon be able to make an antidote, and Girl Yun could also enter the ghost town to crack the formation, and we were one step closer to victory."

"This time I mixed into the Mobei military camp. I also accidentally found that Gulihan smuggled a lot of logs and fire oil from the northern Rakshasa." Qin Shaoyu said, "If he guessed right, he should use it. Tall wooden towers fired oil bombs to attack the city. "

"Fuel bomb?" Chu Yuan frowned, "Then we need to speed up the process."

"Don't worry," Qin Shaoyu said. "When I killed Linger, I blasted the oil depot."

This is really cool!

Everyone in the room: ...

"The fire oil ignited the explosives, and the warhorses were fleeing in fright. The morale of the Mobei military camp is now very high." Qin Shaoyu continued, "and the northwest wind was blowing that night. If we are lucky, maybe Guli Khan even has a grain bank. Did not keep it. "

What the **** is this **** ... Ye Jin almost wants to worship him.

Chu Yuan was also overjoyed, "If that's the case, it's a godsend to me!"

"I'm afraid it will take you a few more days of hard work." Qin Shaoyu looked at Yun Juege. "In all likelihood | Nine, Guli Khan has now led his army to retreat, and the Army of the Desert Ghost City will be cracked one day earlier, and the Chu army will be able to get there sooner The victory will be pursued by the day, and the victory will be just around the corner. "

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