Chapter 128: I heard there is money to eat with you!

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"How is it now that you can hide from him forever?" Qin Shaoyu frowned.

"I wish I could hide from him all my life." Ye Jin's expression was bitter.

"Now he is holding you back and letting you everywhere, be careful of one day in the future, after you get mad, you ordered a fire to burn you Qionghua Valley." Qin Shaoyu reminded.

"He dares!" Ye Jin was very irritable!

"Oh!" The fur ball squatted down on the table obediently, and opened its mouth for something to eat.

Ye Jin took the beef jerky to feed it, and it seemed a bit reluctant to leave like this, so he looked at Shen Qianling and said, "How do you think I might take it overnight if you don't care?

Shen Qianling: ...

Is this impossible at all?

How can his sister-in-law steal someone else's son? This is really excessive!

"Don't make trouble." Qin Shaoyu stood up and put his baggage back in the locker. "Be prepared, let's go to Zhou's house together at night."

"Don't go." Ye Jin fluttered to death on the bed.

"Then I will bring him back to see you." Qin Shaoyu Liangliang

Ye Jin was furious when she heard that, "Can you do more?"

"It's not always possible to escape." Qin Shaoyu patted him, "I and Linger go back first, think carefully."

Ye Jin reluctantly hummed and hugged the ball.

Little Fenghuang was messy and kicked his jaws very unhappy.

"What is the relationship between Brother Ye and the Emperor?" After returning to the room, Shen Qianling was very curious! I thought it was just a meeting with ordinary friends, but now it seems clearly not! Hidden emotions-what really is very worthwhile to gossip about.

Qin Shaoyu pointed to his cheek.

It's really annoying to use this method every time. Shen Qianling obediently went to kiss and then urged, "Come on!"

"Guess," Qin Shaoyu said.

"Does the emperor like Brother Ye?" Shen Qianling's back numb, this possibility is really very scary! If that's the case, isn't his elder brother dead? It's worth hacking with the emperor!

Qin Shaoyu laughed.

"It's not funny at all!" Shen Qianling shook his man's shoulder. "Does my brother know this?"

Qin Shaoyu shook his head. "Ye Jin never let me say."

"How can I not say that, this is a matter of life and death!" Shen Xiao was worried, why was his elder brother so unlucky, he managed to turn around a little bit, but the enemy was actually the emperor!

"Actually, frankly, I don't know what happened between the emperor and Ye Jin, but just accidentally hit the emperor when I went to Qionghua Valley." Qin Shaoyu said, "Don't worry."

Actually went to Qionghua Valley! Shen Qianling sighed.

Qin Shaoyu was amused by his expression, "Even if he really likes it? Ye Jin has only been in Qian Jin's heart for so many years, and others can't take it away if he wants to grab it."

"You said that the emperor would kill my elder brother in a fury?" Shen Qianling was envious.

"Naturally impossible." Qin Shaoyu shook his head. "Although Chu Yuan is above ten thousand people, he is extremely courteous and courteous. He is a rare good emperor, otherwise I would not be willing to help him."

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