Chapter 168: Isn't it just getting married!

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That night, there was a lively family banquet in the Sun Moon Villa, and the fur ball squatted in the delicate nest made of Yunjin, looking around curiously.

"Just say my Linger is a blessing," said Mrs. Shen. "I went out not only to relieve the cold, but also picked up a little phoenix."

The dark guard was unhappy immediately when he heard it. How can we say that the master of my house was picked by him? Obviously, it was Shen Gongzi's birth. We can all testify properly!

"Hmm." Mao Qiu raised his head and opened his mouth for something to eat.

Qin Shaoyu dipped a few drops of pear white with chopsticks to feed it.

"Hey!" Shen Qianling was startled when he saw this, but wanted to stop but was one step too late. After drinking the wine, the fur ball stiffened, and then he lay back in his nest full of doubts.


Shen Qianling stared nervously at it.

"Alas." After a while, the hairball shook his head and spread his wings to stand.

Seems okay? Shen Qianling breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to give it some sweet-scented osmanthus honey. The fur ball had twisted and ran to his father, closed his eyes and fainted.

It's very tragic!

Shen Qianling: ...

Darkguard: ...

The rest of the table: ...

The culprit, Qin Gongzhu, calmly put his son into a small nest, and handed it to the dark guard nearby, "take a rest."

"Yes." The dark guard quickly hugged the owner of his young palace back.

"Who asked you to drink it." Shen Qianling murmured, "It's just a little younger."

Qin Shaoyu fed him a chopstick beef, "It's fun to watch."

What a bad reason. Shen Qianling was angry while eating, why not play with yourself!

Qin Shaoyu chuckled, and filled him with a small bowl of fish maw, "Be careful and stingy."

Mrs. Shen wiped her tears with a parchment. "When I was just gone, my mother was worried that you would have conflicts. Now I can see that you are so loving, you can rest assured."

Shen Qianling then realized that everyone at the table was looking at himself, so he felt numb on his back, and you ate well. What a look!

"Ahem." The host Shen Zhuang raised his glass and said to Qin Shaoyu, "This is hard work for you."

"Father-in-law, this is what happened to Qin." Qin Shaoyu drank the wine. "Actually, I brought Linger back and asked for another thing."

Shen Qianling suddenly became nervous. Are you sure you want to speak in front of so many people!

Qin Shaoyu said, "I want to marry Linger."

Shen Qianling: ...

Really speaking in front of so many people.

"Qian Liyun came back just now, why bother to rush at this moment?" Shen Zhuangzhu laughed, "take a good rest before talking."

Shen Xiaoshu's heart fainted, does his father really want to regret marriage!

Qin Shaoyu didn't say much again. After the family sat and talked for a while, they went back to their rooms to rest. Shen Qianling originally wanted to go back and see if Little Phoenix had woke up, but was stopped by Mrs. Shen.

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