Chapter 106-Everyone is Crazy!

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"What is it?" Feng Jiuye asked.

White Lotus whispered in his ear.

"Tell her to look good in the future!" Feng Jiuye's eyes were a little impatient. "If someone accidentally cuts it off in the future, don't look for death!"

"Yes." White Lotus bowed his head and ordered.

"What happened to these three?" Feng Jiuye looked at Qin Shaoyu and frowned.

Qin Shaoyu looked stupid, and the puppet usually stared at the rocks in the distance.

It's really acting.

"Islam Lord, today's tight hands, so I found three stone people to come to deliver food." Bai Lianhua said, "The subordinates just prepared to take them back."

The matter was irrelevant. Feng Jiuye didn't ask any more. He stepped forward to the pit and looked inside. "Have the project been smooth?"

"Nature." White Lotus said, "It is the destiny of the gods to rule the rivers and lakes. There has been no hail and heavy rain in recent days, and even Heaven is helping us."

"Completed the day before, you can refine some people earlier." Qin Shaoyu said, "Too long, in case the waste was soaked in legs with water, how can it be used for me!"

"The subordinate will try to supervise and urge as much as possible, but even if the progress is fast, it will not be possible to completely create the five poison pools within a few days." Bai Lianhua suggested, "If the leader is worried, it is better to release those people from the water cell to the northwest. The dungeon hasn't been held yet? "

"Yeah." After thinking for a while, Feng Jiuye nodded. "Send someone to check if the Northwest cell is strong. After the people have been transferred to other places for detention, send some more staff to it. Make sure nothing happens."

Northwest Dungeon? Qin Shaoyu sneered, but it came without effort.

After returning, Qin Shaoyu took the opportunity to tell the real person about this.

"According to the previous map, there is indeed a dungeon in the northwest corner of Qianshui Shui Zhai." Reality said, "It's just that there is no shelter around, and there is a gun turret opposite. The environment is not good for us."

"That's right," Qin Shaoyu said, "so I want to grab people before they can be transferred in the future and rescue people."

"Isn't it just these few days?" The real man frowned slightly, "We are not ready yet, will we be a little too risky?"

"I will naturally make a perfect plan." Qin Shaoyu said, "As promised, Primary Five will also come tonight. He has done extremely well, and I will send him to the South Water Prison to check first."

At midnight, Zhao Wu sneaked into the large miscellaneous courtyard, and there was a clear red scratch on his neck.

Real life, "Young people now."

Qin Shaoyu also seemed to laugh.

Zhao Wu reluctantly said, "It was scratched by Shao Gong."

Qin Shaoyu: ...

"What can the palace master do this time?" Zhao Wu calmly shifted the subject.

Qin Shaoyu nodded, "Find a way to check the water jail south, eight out of ten | Nine decent heads are detained there."

"South?" Zhao Wu recalled the terrain. "There is only one way to be surrounded by water on three sides. Now it must be guarded heavily, I'm afraid it's hard to get in."

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