Chapter 117-A New Round of National CP!

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After all, he was seriously injured and unconscious for many days, so even if Qin Shaoyu's toxicity has been resolved, seven thousand eighty-eight, Shen Qianling still can not rest assured. After watching him fall asleep, he ran to the kitchen to stew soup, which is very very good!

"Oh!" The fur ball squatted on the firewood and looked at the beef, his eyes slightly hungry.

"Go to the yard." Shen Qianling stuffed a small piece of meat into his mouth.

The fur ball was in a good mood, turned around and jumped out of the kitchen to play, but saw Shen Qianfeng was standing in the courtyard, then twisted and ran away, opened his wings to throw high!

Shen Daxia must ignore it!

"Oh!" Mao Qiu sold his head up!

Shen Daxia still ignored it!

"Oh!" Limp on his feet like a small plaster!

Shen Daxia bent over and wanted to pinch his mouth!

But at this critical moment, the door on the left opened with a squeak, Ye Jin rubbed his eyes and came out, "Are you playing with Little Phoenix?"

"Yeah." Shen Qianfeng immediately took the ball into her arms and looked particularly loving!

Ye Jin took the little Phoenix and hugged him on the stone bench.

"Why don't you sleep for a while?" Shen Qianfeng poured a cup of tea for him. "It's been less than an hour."

"Now I'm asleep, and I can't sleep at night." Ye Jin put Xiao Fenghuang on the table. "How is Shaoyu?"

"He's all right, Ling's helping him stew the soup." Shen Qianfeng asked, "What do you want to eat at night?"

"I'll go down to buy some herbs and eat by the way," Ye Jin said, "buy more clothes for the children."

"You go down the mountain too!" Shen Qianling heard half of his head out of the kitchen and looked at his brother with a particularly serious look. "Help me buy a bag of osmanthus cakes."

Shen Qianfeng: ...

"No need." Seeing him not talking, Ye Jin put down his empty tea cup. "I can help you buy the mountain."

"That won't work!" Shen Xiao refused with a sip, "So chaotic down the mountain, what to do if you encounter the evils of the demon religion." It's extremely dangerous!

"I go down the mountain with you." Shen Qianfeng said, "There is a lantern festival just down the mountain today. Let's go together."

WELLDONE! Shen Qianling praised his brother violently in his heart, the lantern festival was good! When the lanterns are heard, it is very romantic!

Ye Jin didn't say much again, turned around and changed clothes in the room.

Shen Qianling looked at his brother with full of anticipation-heroes, come on!

Shen Qianfeng touched her nose, and flicked her head to show that she was still very free and easy, and not nervous.

The hair ball was playing with a petal, and suddenly it was bounced, so he turned his head and walked for a few steps, and lay on the table!

So what happened……

It's very, very dazed and very, very foolproof!

Shen Qianling helped the amount, my son was already stupid, don't play it again!


After watching his brother and his prospective sister-in-law go out, Shen Qianling went back to the kitchen and took a look at the soup again. Xiao Huo murmured really warm heart!

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