Chapter 133: Man behind the pillars!

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"Aren't you going to join the contest to recruit relatives?" Shen Qianling asked Shen Qianfan.

"Go back on the third day." Shen Qianfan fed the hairballs to eat beef jerky. "These two days were a little bit of trouble, just don't go."

"You going?" Ye Jin looked at the two with wonder.

"Linger wants to see the excitement." Qin Shaoyu said, "It's okay to stay idle."

"What's the point of competing with relatives?" Shen Qianfan frowned. "Being at home."

Then there must be a lot of excitement to look at, not only the various fights, but also the first singer of the Qinhuai River! Shen Qianling looked at his man with eager eyes-really wanted to go!

"Mo said it was a small contest to recruit relatives. Even if Laozi fights, I will take you if you want to see it." Qin Shaoyu squeezed his face, "Let's go."

Shen Qianfan was helpless, "You are too used to him."

"People identified in this life must be used to it." Qin Shaoyu calmly said, "Besides I am not used to him, should I still get used to you?"

The dark guard immediately applauded violently on the roof.

well said!

Shen Qianfan: ...

"Oh!" Mao Qiu opened his wings at Shen Ling and wanted to hug.

"Can I take it with me?" Shen Qianling asked.

"Of course you can." Qin Shaoyu rubbed his head. "But it is now the only fun for Qian Fan and Ye Jin. Are you sure you want to take it away?"

Shen Qianfan had a splitting headache.

Lord Ye Gu said angrily, "Don't make me so pitiful!"

"Take me away." Qin Shaoyu reached out.

"No." Ye Jin was very naive hiding the ball behind her.

"Oh!" The fur ball stretched its neck desperately, trying to see Shen Xiaoshou.

The dark guards burst into tears. This kind of heartbreaking picture, my family son and the young master of the palace can have deep feelings.

"Let's go." Qin Shaoyu took his hand out, "come back with my son at night."

"Yeah!" Mao Qiu managed to break away from Ye Jin. After twisting and running, he found that Shen Qianling was no longer in the yard, so he kicked his claws very unhappy.

Lord Ye Gu calmly tore off an emerald-studded button from Shen Qianfan's placket.

Shen Qianfan froze for a while, before he had time to speak, he raised his eyes and saw the dark guards of Sun Moon Village squatting collectively on the opposite roof, waving at him wildly.

Don't be angry, otherwise the young master will cut you off in minutes!

Especially brutal.

Shen Qianfan: ...

The hair ball kicked the button with his claws, and it felt very good-looking, so he was excited to put it back in the nest, and joy fell into Ye Jin's arms.

It's very naive and lively.

In Li Fu's front yard, the atmosphere was obviously much more serious.

Shen Qianling followed Qin Shaoyu as soon as he stepped into the gate of the courtyard, and saw that many people were sitting beside the table, all of them with black faces, very embarrassed.

"Why the atmosphere is so bad." Shen Qianling whispered, "I thought it would be a spring breeze." After all, marrying a daughter-in-law is one of the four great joys of life, shouldn't it be fun and chat while chatting with melon seeds!

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