Chapter 98: Qianwu Shuizhai!

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"How could Ye Jin be injured?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

Hua Tang said surprisingly, "When the Daily News lost a lot of wrecked birds, Lord Ye Gu was pecked to protect Master Shen."

Shen Qianling: ...

Shouldn't it be a rival, why does the plot suddenly turn into a touching love movie!

"Go back first and talk about it." Hua Tang said, "Recent religions have issued reports of wrecked birds from time to time. People are afraid to go out. The twelve serial docks and the surrounding towns and villages are almost the same as ghost towns. To a figure. "

Dozens of baidao martial arts were added together, but they were beaten by a Feng Jiuye to hide in Tibet. It was a shame and shame. Qin Shaoyu's face was not very good-looking. "How are our people?"

"We are okay, brothers are hurt, but fortunately no one has killed his life." Hua Tang said, "Now temporarily living in the week outside the home of Linshui Town."

Qin Shaoyu nodded, "Go and see."

A white horse ran out of the woods, and Shen Qianling was pleasantly surprised, "Treading white?"

"It was Xiaowu who found it in the mountains," Hua Tang explained.

Qin Shaoyu jumped up holding Shen Qianling and landed on the horse steadily.

Ta snow spread his four hoofs, da da ran towards the mountain.

About half an hour later, the three went to a quiet town.

"Who is outside the staff?" Shen Qianling asked curiously as he walked.

"His son was kidnapped by a mountain thief. I happened to be passing Huatang, so I shot him to kill the mountain thief." Qin Shaoyu said, "After that, he sends some local specialties to the Palace of Shadows every year. There was some friendship. "

"Fortunately, there are people outside this week," said Hua Tang. "Otherwise, I don't know where to go."

"Yeah!" Little Phoenix was held in the palm of her hand by Hua Tang, and she felt very comfortable. She was still looking at the two rushes on her chest with a very curious look.

It should be particularly soft!

Shen Qianling looked at the fur ball silently.

Where is your eye?

I wouldn't save you if I would be shot!

"Master of the Qin Palace!" As soon as the three entered the door, a middle-aged man greeted him. "If you miss something, please forgive me."

"You are welcome outside the staff." Qin Shaoyu said, "It is Qin who needs more staff to be able to keep me in the shadow palace."

"This is nature." The middle-aged man said, "Mr. Qin Gong, the owner of the dog, has a life-saving grace, even if it is only for martial justice.

Shen Qianling looked at him with admiring eyes.

Uncle you are really very heroic!

"Palace master!" After hearing that Qin Shaoyu's subordinates heard Qin Shaoyu's return, they didn't believe it. When they rushed over, they saw the two and were ecstatic.

"Well !!!" Little Phoenix stood on Hua Tang's shoulder and called out curiously.

The dark guards looked at him with wondering eyes, "This is a chicken?"

"It's a Phoenix." Qin Shaoyu said lightly.

"Phoenix?" The Dark Guard was stunned. "Even if you are young, why are you so fat!"

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