Chapter 146-It's Despicable!

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"When did the Shen family have such a close relationship with the imperial court?" The ghost-handed **** doctor heard the words wondering, even if one was an official in the imperial court, the other followed into the muddy water.

"It's hard to say a word," An Wei said. "Actually, Master Shen this time only half of the time is for the palace master and Shen Gongzi.

"What do you mean?" The ghost doctor frowned. "Clarify."

"The emperor originally wanted the palace leader to lead soldiers." An Wei answered with emphasis.

"Let Shaoyu take the soldiers to help him fight?" The ghost-handed doctor immediately became angry. "He is too good to eat as an emperor, has his mind been confused!"

Darkguard: ...

It is really terrible that Master started the fire.

"What happened?" Because the ghost-handed magician just had a loud voice, even Qin Shaoyu and Shen Qianling heard it and asked what happened.

"When you went to sea at the age of seventeen, how did the Master teach you!" The ghost-handed doctor shouted at him, "How come you have a relationship with the court!"

Shen Qianling suddenly became nervous because, in a strict sense, his man knew the emperor because of the Shen family!

"The position of the Palace of Shadows on the rivers and lakes is there. The emperor wants the rivers and mountains to be stable, so naturally he does not want to ignore them." Qin Shaoyu calmly said. It's difficult. "

The dark guard also nodded collectively, yes, that's right, the emperor was crying and shouting that he had to know my housekeeper, and he wouldn't be able to drive away, which is annoying!

"The emperor came to you in person?" The ghost-handed doctor wondered.

"It's so." Qin Shaoyu said, "I never went to the palace to find him."

"Where's the troop?" The ghost-handed doctor asked again. "What's going on?"

"The unscrupulous generals in the DPRK and turning to the masters on the rivers and lakes is also a trick." Qin Shaoyu said, "but I did not agree."

"You must not agree." The ghost-handed doctor patted his shoulder. "The battle in the court is complicated and unsuitable for you."

Shen Qianling retorted silently in his heart, excluding the factor of willingness or unwillingness. His man is actually very suitable for it! The martial arts is good and the belly is dark, it must be the one who takes advantage of it, and it must not suffer.

"Then you continue to talk about the business." The ghost hand yawned, holding the wool ball and walking back, "It seems that I can't use those pirates, next time I remember to find some useful flower servants for the teacher."

"Oh!" Mao Qiu also yawned, very cooperative!

"What does Master mean?" Qin Shaoyu looked at Anwei, "no need ... the pirates were killed by you?"

"Of course not!" The dark guard immediately waved his hands nervously, and said positively, "We were particularly gentle in the interrogation, and have been trying to influence with boundless love!"

"Ah !!!" A scream came from the bottom of the ship.

Shen Qianling: ...

"He must have felt that his soul was washed." Ambition affirmed, "so I can't help crying for his past."

"Speak business." Qin Shaoyu was obviously impatient.

Obviously, he has been talking about business. Dark Guard feels that his soul has been hurt. The palace master is really cold!

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