Chapter 103-Sneak into the Qianshui Water Village!

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"No more nonsense!" After entering the room, Shen Qianfeng placed the person on the bed, and there was a faint anger among the eyebrows.

"When I said go, I have nothing to do with Lao Tzu now!" Ye Jin slaps him away, pulling the quilt over his head, "Go!"

Shen Qianfeng's lips moved, but she still did not speak. After sighing silently in her heart, she turned and walked out of the door.

The dark guard was disappointed when he saw this. How could he come out so soon? Too fast! How do we diverge our thinking!

It was dark, but Shen Qianfeng was completely sleepless. So he jumped up to the treetop and watched the starry sky shine.

The breeze blew and flowers fell. The dark guard throws away a jug of wine, and looks at him with "a man understands" eyes!

Shen Qianfeng smiled and shook her head, "Thank you."

That must not be thanked! The dark guard couldn't help but raised his chest. We are really a group of intimate cotton pants.

Half a pot of sake was in the throat, and Shen Qianfeng's mood was quite calm. Looking at the courtyard, he saw Ye Jin's house was dimly yellow, and a mottled silhouette was reflected in the window.

The dark guard dragged his cheeks and sighed collectively. He could see such a gentle look through a window, and his heart was really broken!

In Qianzhui Shuizhai, Qin Shaoyu was lurking in the large courtyard with the real star, looking through the gap in the window, with him and Zhao Wu and the two dark guards.

There were seven or eight people sleeping on a chase shop, old or young, even men and women were not separated. The room was incredibly sweet and disgusting.

"The man inside is named Zhou Da Beard. He is a handyman who helps the kitchen pick water." Qin Shaoyu said in a low voice. "I'm similar in height to him, and he should be able to play an eight |

The real person nodded, "Who is the oldest man out there?"

"I don't know, but if you look old, you shouldn't be a hard worker."

"Find a way to get the two of them out," the truth said, "you and I will act like these two."

"But the old man seems to be humpback." Qin Shaoyu said, "It doesn't look tall."

"Anyway." Reality said, "Although older, it is more than enough to put on a humpback."

Qin Shaoyu nodded, and added a requiem for the sake of insurance. After confirming that everyone would not wake up any time soon, he jumped into the room.

Zhou Beard's beard shouted, his mouth was still vaguely talking. Qin Shaoyu raised his palms and stunned him sturdyly. He changed his clothes and changed his clothes at the fastest speed and handed the beard to Zhao Wu. "Take it out to Huatang and see if it can be cured. "

Real people did the same, posing as a humpback cook.

Zhao Wu and An Wei picked up two people and jumped out of the window, and soon disappeared into the night.

"The palms are black, all of them are stunned." Qin Shaoyu checked for a bit. "The poison and the soul-inducing incense, Feng Jiuye even guarded these unarmed miscellaneous servants."

"So now ten out of nine | nine, the heads of those martial arts have also been hit." The real person sighed, "I'm afraid we have a headache."

There was a voice in the hospital, Qin Shaoyu looked at the real person and quickly lay back on the bed.

The room was kicked open by a few people, and several demon cults came in and ordered a few people, then kicked the middle man, "Get up!"

Qin Shaoyu's brows frowned slightly, and the house was previously lightened by Anhunxiang himself. The man was afraid that he would not be able to wake up for a while.

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