Chapter 153: Cherish the people in front of you!

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Although the body's toxicity has been cleaned up, Shen Qianling has nothing to do after all. He followed the Dark Guardian meal all the way down, and finally fell ill near the border.

"A sneeze!" Shen Qianling sneezed in a blanket.

An Wei was anxious while driving, "How long is it from the next town?"

"Almost two hours." Another dark guard said, "It can be reached before dark. The town is quite big, and it should be easy to find a doctor."

"Woo!" After Woolball woke up in the small nest, he wandered into Shen Qianling's arms.

Shen Qianling was groggy, without any spirit.

So Mao Qiu raised his head generously and gave it a touch of his jade carving beef jerky, very filial.

Shen Qianling laughed and reached out and rubbed his head.

"Son rest a little longer." The dark guard came in and handed him a glass of water. "Let's hurry up and we will be here in a little more time."

"Well." Shen Qianling nodded, apologizing, "Trouble everyone."

How can it be trouble! The dark guard immediately said that it was okay. Seeing that the son was sick, we were almost broken, okay, especially distressed!

The carriage continued to drive on the mountain road. Shen Qianling held the wool ball and went into the bed. Just trying to close his eyes to rest, the carriage suddenly bumped. If he didn't grasp the window frame by instinct, he would almost roll out!

"Oh!" The fur ball was almost flattened, and a tangled hair crawled out from under Shen Qianling, very shocked.

Sleeping is so dangerous, the bird life is just twists and turns!

"My son." A dark guard lifted the curtain. "Is it all right?"

"It's okay." Shen Qianling sat up. "What happened?"

The dark guard was very calm. "I encountered a band of robbers and stopped the road."

"The robber?" Shen Qianling was surprised, all the way to peace, how could he see such a moth coming out again.

"You don't have to worry about it," said Wei Da La La, "the time for a tea can be done."

"Who are you?" Someone asked on the shelf outside the car.

Shen Qianling wanted to go out, but was stopped by the dark guard.

"People in the car, have you heard the question from my master?" Another man kept his voice in the carriage for a long time.

"My son wants to visit relatives at the border." Dark Wei's expression was terrified. "Who are you you are?"

Shen Qianling helped the amount, played again?

"Visiting relatives?" The other sneered, "I look like a thief!"

Shen Qianling whispered in silence, your whole family is like a thief.

"Ah, you can't say such things!" The dark guard panicked. "I was beheaded when we heard that, we are good people!"

"Stop talking nonsense." The other party was impatient. "Things stay, people hurry!"

"I'm so scared!" The dark guard cried, hugging the carriage, "help, there are robbers!"

Shen Qianling: ...

Hair ball: 啾.

"Presumptuous!" The other person was furious when he heard it. "Dare to say that my master is a robber. Don't die!"

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