Chapter 112: War!

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A few days later, Qin Shaoyu contacted Jiang Yinlong and mixed the antidote in the meal.

At the same time, Shen Qianfeng and others secretly contacted the government and other people in the rivers and lakes to make the best preparations for internal and external cooperation.

The day before the battle, Shen Qianling was sitting in the courtyard with the little phoenix in his arms, watching the moon come out.

"Oh!" The fur ball spread its wings to scratch.

Shen Qianling rubbed his head, feeling depressed.

"Don't sleep yet?" Shen Qianfeng sat beside him.

"Brother." Shen Qianling put little Phoenix on the ground. "How is Brother Ye?"

"I just fell asleep after taking the medicine." Shen Qianfeng said, "Worried about Shaoyu?"

"I'm worried about everyone." Shen Qianling sighed. "Feng Jiuye is so scheming, I'm afraid there's nothing wrong with it."

"Relax." Shen Qianfeng patted him. "If it wasn't prepared, we wouldn't act rashly."

"Well." Shen Qianling smiled. "Go to bed. You have to get up early tomorrow."

"You also rest earlier." Shen Qianfeng leaned on his shoulder and pushed into the room. "Wait for our good news."

Shen Qianling nodded, the wool ball twisted and followed the door, lazily lay back in the nest, opened his mouth and yawned.

The night sky is blue and the stars are shining, everything is quiet and beautiful.

In the evening of the second day, Qin Shaoyu handed Zhang Dafu a dagger.

"Me?" Zhang Dafu was startled. "I, I, I won't martial arts!"

"It's not for you to fight." Qin Shaoyu said, "You will continue to pretend to be stupid, but I'm afraid that in the event that the devotees are disheartened, no one will protect you."

Zhang Dafu took the dagger, and his hands were a little sloppy.

"Don't be afraid." Qin Shaoyu patted his shoulder. "Thankfully for your help this time, all the rivers and lakes owe you a favor."

Zhang Dafu was suddenly flattered.

This is such a big hat!

"You might as well continue to be Yung Cheng's beard?" Seeing Qin Shaoyu changing clothes, the real man frowned. "There is still a distance from here to the water jail. If you are found halfway, it is a good idea to fool."

"No need." Qin Shaoyu put on the night clothes, "I change my clothes, and no one will doubt this big mixed house later; but if they know that I pretend to be Zhou Zhou's beard, they will definitely think that the rest of the people have problems. The consequences could be disastrous."

"When does Qin Gongzhu and Mr. Lao set off?" Zhang Dafu asked.

"Wait." Qin Shaoyu answered a word.

"Wait?" Zhang Dafu was puzzled.

Qin Shaoyu nodded, poured a cup of hot tea for himself, and raised the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Dafu was still a little hesitant. When he saw his smile at this time, he was at a loss and felt relieved, as if it seemed as if he would win!

You do n’t need to express your ambitions or even say anything. You can use only one expression to reassure the people around you. It is indeed that Shen Gongzi would rather abandon the millennium cultivation practice, and tears down all those who are guarding! It's very, very domineering!

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