Chapter 115: Qin Gong's blessing is big!

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The big phoenix flew the child at low altitude for a while before landing on the ground smoothly.

"Is it fun?" The real person asked with a smile.

The child nodded, and touched the phoenix's feathers with his hands, his face flushed with excitement.

"Did you want to go up to the mountain to find us?" The real man handed him a peach.

"Um." The child climbed down from Phoenix and sat on a small stone bench next to him to eat peaches. "I know the Lord Qin Gong is poisoned and wants to save him."

"Why do you have poison?" The real person asked.

The child hesitated slightly and looked up at the real person.

"Or, why do you save Shaoyu?" Seeing him not talking, the real person changed his questioning method.

"Because the Lord Qin Gong is a good person." The child answered quickly this time.

"How do you know." The real man laughed. "He helped you?"

"No." The child shook his head. "It's what others said."

"So where did you live before?" The real man asked again.

The child's eyes dodged, "Under the eaves of the ruined temple shed, I have slept everywhere."

"If you don't tell the truth, how do we know you're not making trouble?" The real person touched his head. "As for the medicine you brought, it is even more useless."

"I'm not a bad person." The child heard anxious.

"I naturally know that you are not." Reality said, "But Xiaoyeye and Qianfeng are not bad people. Have you just refused to believe them?"

The child heard the words silent, and only half a day later he summoned his courage, "I ran out of the demon!"

The real person nodded, and his expression was not very surprised. After all, if he has nothing to do with demonism, he is unlikely to get an antidote.

"But I'm not a bad person." The child emphasized again.

"Can you say now, who are you and why did you get the poison?" The real person asked.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix jumped in and ran, chewing something in her mouth.

The child curiously stretched out his hand, and the fur ball jumped around immediately, stretched his neck and pinched his head, it was really cute!

The real person picked up Little Phoenix and put it in the child's arms.

The fur ball opened its wings and snorted twice, indicating the friendly attitude it deserves!

The child touched the fur ball, then looked up at the truth, "I really don't have a name, and I don't have a father or mother."

"Who took you to the demon?" Asked the real person.

"Red aunt," said the child, "but she has a bad temper, and I'm usually not allowed to talk to her. I spend most of my time in the general service room."

Humanely, "She hit you often?" The clothes were too big, so it was easy to see the scars on the child's chest.

"Well, she often gets angry somehow, hits me when she gets angry, and tells me to die with my father."

"How did you come out this time?" The real person asked again.

"When Qianwu Shuizhai was captured that day, she was also injured, so she took me away from the side door and hid in an empty house in the city." The child said, "I heard a fight outside the house, It took a long time to stop. In the middle of the night, she didn't know where to find a corpse. She had troubled the house for several hours, and said she would go out and find clothes for the corpse. "

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