Chapter 149: The rise of heroes Shen!

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"I have something to tell you." After entering the study, Ye Jin was very direct!

Chu Yuan handed him a cup of tea. "It doesn't seem to be a good thing."

"I want to go out with him!" Ye Jin pointed to Shen Qianfeng.

"Out of customs?" Chu Yuan frowned unexpectedly. "Qian Feng is going to inquire about the news. What are you going to do?"

Ye Jin said sharply, "Naturally go to inquire about the news."

Chu Yuan shook his head. "I don't agree."

"Reason!" Ye Jin was angry.

"There will be danger," Chu Yuan said patiently. "Also, this time it is only a small task, Qian Feng alone is enough to complete."

"If I have to go!" Ye Jin was aggressive.

"Xiao Jin." Afraid he and Chu Yuan were too stiff, Shen Qianfeng wanted to persuade him, "Actually--"

"Shut up!" Ye Jin interrupted him with his hips, "Did I allow you to speak!"

Shen Qianfeng: ...

"It's a joke." Chu Yuan sat back at the table. "If nothing else, go back and rest."

"Go." Ye Jin pulled Shen Qianfeng out, "We return to Qionghua Valley and let him fight alone!"

Chu Yuan's head buzzed and hurt.

"Emperor." Shen Qianfeng grabbed Ye Jin and looked at Chu Yuan. "In fact, there is not much danger this time out of the city. If Xiao Jin must go, I will be able to guarantee his return."

"Even if he makes a mess, how can you follow along." Chu Yuan frowned slightly. "How can things be done in the military? If there is a business trip, no one can take responsibility."

"Since I can take him out, I'm sure I won't get out of the basket." Shen Qianfeng said, "The emperor need not worry."

Ye Jin continued to tirelessly glared at his brother.

Chu Yuan's eyes were helpless, "Well, do I need to draw some experts to protect you?"

"No need." Ye Gu's main purpose was achieved, and Ao Jiao Shi Shiran left, like a gorgeous green peacock!

Chu Yuan looked at his back and shook his head and sighed.

"Xiao Jin's temper is like this, and you don't need to take it to heart." Shen Qianfeng said, "I have been with him for a long time since the emperor--"

"Will he soften the puppet?" Chu Yuan couldn't wait to interrupt him, with some hope in his eyes.

Shen Qianfeng shook her head, "After the emperor has been with him for a long time, he will get used to it."

Chu Yuan: ...

"Cough!" Ye Jin coughed in the yard.

Shen Qianfeng left with interest.

"Let's go out by the river." Ye Jin walked outside the courtyard.

Frontier battles are just around the corner. According to Chu Yuan's intentions, at this time, he can't wait to lock him in the house for twelve hours. However, for Shen Qianfeng, between the resistance against non-compliance and Ye Jin, the latter is obviously more important. Therefore, he had no objection at all, and led him out of the barracks.

Green Jade Jade has been staying in the stable for a long time these days. After being released, it is spreading all over the four hoofs and jumping from time to time, so Shen Qianfeng will hold the person in her arms from time to time. !! After several times, Ye Jin turned back and said, "You taught it!"

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