Chapter 151: Spy!

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After sunset the next day, Shen Qianfeng and Ye Jin secretly went out of the customs and headed towards the north.

Border wars continued, and the trade caravans that were common in Mobei in the past naturally disappeared. Only a few Populus euphratica forests were scattered, reflecting the mottled shadow under the moon.

Ye Jin and Shen Qianfeng rode a horse together, with serious expressions, and their backs were very straight!

"Xiao Jin?" Shen Qianfeng wondered, "Is it okay?" Who rides this posture on horseback.

"Shut up!" Ye Guzhu was proud.

Shen Qianfeng sighed, "If you feel uncomfortable in my arms, then I can get off the horse and not have to toss myself like this."

Her mind was poked, Ye Jin looked at the sky.

Shen Qianfeng handed the stable to his hand.

"Don't!" Ye Jin quickly flew away!

"I work very well, and running is not a problem." Shen Qianfeng said.

"Take care of your merits," Ye Jin hummed, "I don't want to ride a horse myself."

Alright, Jiaojiao cried!

Shen Qianfeng was so funny, he clenched his left arm gently, "Then let's run together for a while."

"Don't hug Laozi casually!" Ye Jin frowned.

Shen Qianfeng: ...

"You **** | devil!" Ye Jin turned back angrily, "No more mention of that day!"

"I didn't mention it." Shen Qianfeng was very innocent. "You add it up and down, you've mentioned it five times."

Ye Jin burned instantly, "I don't have any!"

"Well, you don't." Shen Qianfeng compromised with interest.

Ye Jin proudly turned back, blushing slightly.

Green Saitama snorted, and glanced back at him-just sit and sit, don't always twist!

"What!" Ye Jin stared at his hips, fiercer than it.

Green Saitama: ...

I'm just a horse!

"Come on!" Ye Jin ordered, "I finished the battle earlier, so I would return to Qionghua Valley earlier!"

"Not returning to Qionghua Valley," Shen Qianfeng said in his ear, "is returning to Sun Moon Villa."

"What did you say!" Ye Jin turned back instantly.

Shen Qianfeng quickly printed a kiss on his lips, and then threw the whip in his right hand, and the green jade flickered, and galloped away along the desert.

Ye Jin was angry in his arms, Lao Tzu did not allow you to come here!

Is this the rhythm you want to keep!

Find me!

Very annoying!

Can't stand it!


Therefore, compared with Ye Guzhu, Shen Xiaoshou is really very soft and delicious.

Qin Gongzhu is happy!

Because they are in a hurry, they are basically sleepless. At first Shen Qianfeng was distressed by Ye Jin and wanted to give him a good rest. However, after thinking about it, Ye Jin thought that if she dragged on the road for too long, it would be easy to delay the time and inconvenience to check the news. In case, the guesthouse may leak the wind. People doubt it, especially here; if Sanlai is two people staying together, it must be a bed, and such a bed is so shameless! Therefore, after combining these three factors, especially the third factor, Ye Jin decisively rejected Shen Qianfeng's proposal and followed him to hurry around the clock. When he was tired, he found a shelter and took a nap. Outside the camp of the Northwest Rebels.

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