Chapter 144-The pirate is useless!

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"Pirate?" Shen Qianling heard a stun, and immediately conditioned to think of Captain Jack!

So he said sincerely, "Is this place called the Caribbean?"

If you can see Johnny Depp after crossing, there seems to be some sweetness!

But Qin Shaoyu quickly and mercilessly pierced his beautiful fantasy, "Here is called Heifengmang."

Shen Qianling sighed, she wasn't called Black Pearl, she didn't have any temperament!

"But change the name with you," Qin Shaoyu said, "whatever you want to call it, it will be called later."

Shen Qianling instantly felt that his man seemed a bit domineering.

The dark guards burst into tears, and the host and wife of my house couldn't even wink.

"Oh!" Only the fur ball was still calling with a wing open, slightly anxious.

When are you guys planning to come back!

"Can you see the banner clearly?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

The dark guard took a look at the sight glass for a while and shook his head. "No name, just a dozen ships of different sizes."

"A dozen ships?" Shen Qianling was surprised. "There are so many?"

"The martial arts are not good. Naturally, we must use the number of people to make up." Qin Shaoyu helped him tie his cloak.

That must be a fight! Shen Xiaoshou is very gossip!

Qin Shaoyu hugged and hugged him, and jumped to the highest platform, "I send five people to protect you, don't run around."

"You don't need that much," Shen Qianling said. "It's more important to help you break the bad guys."

"Eight." Qin Shaoyu kissed his forehead.

Shen Qianling: ...

"A bunch of black people, I'm more than enough to deal with it alone." Qin Shaoyu looked at him, "don't worry."

"Then you need to be careful." Shen Qianling ordered.

Qin Shaoyu nodded, waved to the dark guard to protect him, and then jumped onto the deck.

Hairball is still crying hard with his head up, hoping to be discovered by his father in time!

The dark guards used their eyes to express sympathy for the owner of their own house.

Qin Shaoyu untied the rope from his claws and threw his hands into the sky.

"Hello!" The fur ball hurriedly opened its wings, and it was so excited than that!

Happiness came too suddenly, and started to throw high without warning!

The birds are full of flowers in an instant!

The dark guard reached out to catch it.

The fur ball contentedly lay in his palm and kicked the claws friendly.

This time the toss is very, very tall!

Shen Qianling took the son in his arms and frowned slightly. Although he knew that with his martial arts, these pirates were nothing at all, but he was still a little panicked when he saw a dozen beds slowly approaching under the dark blue sky .

"Ah, I'm scared." An Weiwei covered his chest.

Shen Qianling: ...

"I have encountered these fetuses recently." Another dark guard was puzzled. "First a robber, and now a pirate. Haven't they heard of the Palace of Shadows?" This shouldn't be, we are here Is it still famous on the rivers and lakes? And even if you do n’t listen to the master of the palace if you step back 10,000 steps, have you never heard of the son? You know, my wife has a fluttering little round tail, but cute!

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