Chapter 139: Big Brother Appears!

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This evening, Shen Qianling cold poison unexpectedly recurred. Although I drank hot herbs, my bones became cold and I almost lost consciousness.

Qin Shaoyu hugged him tightly, blaming himself for being so annoyed that he couldn't wait to give him a knife. He had thought he could protect him completely, but he was still attacked under his eyes. If he hadn't paid too much attention to the platform at the time, why would he be affected torment.

I couldn't tell how long it was, the pain finally subsided temporarily, Shen Qianling's whole body was soaked with cold sweat, and his face was pale to almost transparent in the moonlight.

"Does it hurt?" Qin Shaoyu's eyes were red.

Shen Qianling smiled at him, "I'm fine."

The voice was so low that it was almost inaudible, and fell in Qin Shaoyu's ears, but seemed to have cut through his heart.

"I asked Ye Jin to come in and help you see." Qin Shaoyu sat up.

"No need." Shen Qianling grabbed his cuff. "Patience is over, just stay with me."

"Don't you blame me?" Qin Shaoyu rubbed his cheek with his thumb.

Shen Qianling shook her head.

"You don't need to be so sensible." Qin Shaoyu smiled bitterly. "I hurt you like this. Listening to you yelling at me, I'll be more relaxed."

"Well." Shen Qianling held his finger, "I don't have any energy now, I'll hold it first."

"Oh!" Just after Mao Qiu shouted outside the house, he was pinched by the back guard.

It's really cruel!

"Give me." Ye Jin heard the movement and came out of the room.

"No." Dark Wei shook his head. "The palace confessed, and let the landlord take a good rest."

"It's okay," Ye Jin said. "It's very good at night, and it's not very troublesome."

As soon as the voice fell, the fur ball broke free from the dark guard, hurried to the bedroom door, and rushed in with the attitude of a cannonball!

Even the windows weren't drilled, so it was a real haste.

"Oh!" The fur ball flew onto Shen Qianling's bed, stroking him with a furry body.

"The lord of the palace." The dark guard was stunned at the door. "Subordinates dare not use their hands, for fear of hurting Little Phoenix."

"Come on." Qin Shaoyu said, "Anyway, let it stay with Linger for a while."

"Yes." An Wei relieved.

"If it doesn't hurt for a while, remember to eat the pills on the table." Ye Jin reached in and asked.

Qin Shaoyu nodded, "Thank you."

The fur ball arched to the bottom of Shen Qianling's hand and shook his head.

"It's rare to see you so good." Qin Shaoyu poked at his belly.

The fur ball jumped off the bed with twists and turns, quickly drilled under the bed, and kicked out a small box with small claws, full of gems.

At first glance, they are big and very wealthy!

Qin Shaoyu's mood suddenly became complicated. "Where did it find these things from?"

Shen Qianling was also teased, looking at it sideways.

The hair ball went through the box seriously, and finally found one of the best-looking cat's eyes, jumped to bed with a lanyard, and placed it in Shen Qianling's palm.

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