Chapter 107-Carrot, Green Pepper and Soy Bean!

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"Eh!" The hair ball leaped up into Shen Qianling's arms and flung it around his placket!

Shen Xiao was frightened, but was she taking the wrong medicine again?

"Yeah!" The fur ball was in a hurry, rushing back to Ye Jin's door for a while, squatting on the ground and screaming hard!

Isn't something wrong? Shen Qianling was completely lost, and quickly pushed the door into the house.

The dark guard looked at each other and jumped off the roof and followed.

Ye Jin was pale on the bed, her eyes closed tightly, leaving only a slight undulation in her chest.

"Go and find Huatang." Looking at the bloodshot in the corner of his mouth, Shen Qianling's heartbeat was frightened to stop, "Call my elder brother, too"

"Yes!" Dark Guard turned and ran fast!

In the open space not far from the courtyard, Shen Qianfeng is practicing sword practice on the moon alone. The dark look hurried over, and before the sentence "Ye Guzhu--" was finished, Shen Qianfeng had changed his look and rushed back, leaving the remaining half of the words far behind.

Darkguard: ...

Why is this gone.

I haven't said anything yet.

"What's wrong?" Shen Qianfeng pushed the door into the room.

"I don't know, but I'm dizzy." Shen Qianling stood up anxiously. "Send someone to find Huatang."

Shen Qianling was sitting by the bed, trying to test his pulse, but his hands were shaking.

"Don't be nervous first." Shen Qianling comforted, "Master Ye Gu will be fine."

Fortunately, Hua Tang came over in time, and behind him was a dark guard covering his right eye with grief.

How could Zuo Hufa do this, obviously because she didn't get dressed when she opened the door herself.

And I didn't see anything at all! Be stunned!

If you are wronged, you will lose blood!

"It shouldn't be a big deal." After checking it, Hua Tang said, "It was just that I was injured by the poisonous claws of a mourning bird. Later, it was too laborious to cure the old man, so I couldn't stand it for a while."

"When will you wake up?" Shen Qianfeng asked.

"Some false fires attack the heart, you need to take medicine first to adjust." Hua Tang said, "But Master Shen does not have to worry, Ye Guzhu is proficient in health care, and his body is good."

Shen Qianfeng nodded and put his hand into the quilt.

Hua Tang went back to the house to pick up some herbs and fried a small bowl of green juice with a small fire and brought them in. Shen Qianfeng lifted Ye Jin up and tried to feed a spoonful. However, the Lord Ye Gu was extremely uncooperative, not only clenching his teeth tightly, but also spitting out the ones he had hardly fed in.

"Oh!" Mao Qiu stood on the table and became very interested in the contents of the small bowl. He stretched his neck and looked desperately, his eyes slightly hungry.

Shen Qianling's head buzzed. Press it with **** and know what it is you want to eat!

"The medicine will be ineffective if it is cold." Hua Tang frowned.

The dark guard immediately praised his left Zuo Fa in his heart! How to make the medicine ineffective, then it must be impossible. At this time, there should be a crisp and refreshing picture such as "In a hurry, only the medicine is fed by the mouth" is it reasonable?

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