Chapter 110: Can you do something else!

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The large mussel shell was placed in a bathtub in the courtyard. Ye Jin placed the little phoenix on the ground, squatted beside, and applied the ointment to the edge of the mussel shell.

The mussel shell slowly opened again, and the pearls on the tender mussel meat were round and smooth.

"It's been more than a decade to say less," said Hua Tang. "It should be enough for antidote."

Ye Jin nodded. "I'll prepare first, and I'll start doing antidote tomorrow."

"Does it matter?" Shen Qianfeng asked.

The dark guard immediately dwarfed in his heart, this adorable love word is really unbearable!

"It's okay." Ye Jin looked at him. "You go back to rest."

Seeing this look seems to be a drama! The Dark Guard is extremely excited, and I especially hope that Master Shen can pull the hands of affectionately and say some moving words like "How can I sleep peacefully without you by my side"! Of course, if Ye Guzhu can cooperate with coquettishness, it will be even better, 嘤 嘤 嘤 this kind of thing can have!

Then the next moment, Shen Qianfeng turned into the room.

The dark guard collective expressed disappointment, why everyone is so puzzled.

Life is really boring!

"May I help?" Hua Tang asked.

"Um." Ye Jin nodded. "Tomorrow we will work together."

"Oh!" The fur ball stood on the mussel shell, pecked down.

Shen Qianling: ...

"Oh!" The fur ball was in a hurry, it wanted the billowing bead.

"Good, that can't be played." Shen Qianling held it back, "We don't make trouble."

"Oh!" The fur ball struggled twice without success, so it kicked hard.

"No trouble." Shen Qianling put it on the table.

The fur ball was stomped with anger, originally intended to express anger, but the table broke instantly, and the teapot and bowl smashed heavily on the ground, and the crackling sound became a piece.

Shen Qianling was shocked!

This this is what high-end skills!

"..." The fur ball lay on the half of the teapot lid, and his eyes were slightly blank.

"What's wrong?" When the dark guard heard the news rushing in, he saw a mess on the ground. Shen Qianling was stunned watching the little Phoenix in the broken porcelain piece.

"Isn't it hurt?" The dark guard quickly hugged Little Phoenix and checked it back and forth.

"Hmm." The hairballs had soft legs.

"Why does it suddenly have so much strength?" Shen Qianling asked, shaking, pointing at the broken table.

The dark guard heard the air conditioner and said, "Is the master of the palace shattering the table?"

Shen Qianling nodded, although it sounded strange but ... it's true!

"Hmm." The fur ball leaned back to his head.

"Are you about to grow up?" Hua Tang asked by the door.

"No, not even Yu Fei has grown up." Ye Jin took the little Phoenix into her arms and rubbed her red mouth with her forefinger. "What did you feed it? Why did your mouth have this color?" "

"Yeah." Mao Qiu took a deep breath, intending to pounce on Hua Tang's arms softly.

Zhao Wu expressionless, holding his head with two fingers, forcing him to turn to the other side.

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