Chapter 102: It's really annoying to spy on something!

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"You sent someone to notify Master that we are here?" Shen Qianling asked as he walked.

"No." Qin Shaoyu shook his head.

Shen Qianling wondered, "How can Master find this place?"

"Because it is there." Qin Shaoyu picked up Little Phoenix from the ground.

"Oh!" The fur ball desperately lifted his small chest.

"It?" Shen Qianling was puzzled.

"The Great Phoenix can sense it and bring Master over." Qin Shaoyu said.

"Really?" Shen Qianling laughed. "There are so many other uses."

"When it grows up, it will be able to protect you." Qin Shaoyu put the little Phoenix in his arms.

Shen Qianling turned a corner, "It protects me, what are you going to do?"

Qin Shaoyu froze for a moment, then decisively threw his son out.

Shen Qianling: ...

"Oh!" Little Phoenix protested indignantly out of the window!

"I will naturally protect Linger for his entire life." Qin Shaoyu and his forehead.

"It's better for Yirong to get into Qianshui Shui Zhai. Let's let others go?" Shen Qianling said rightly, "For example, the master of the door, I think he is very suitable."

Qin Shaoyu laughed, "Why?"

"Because he's a fox spirit!" Shen Qianling sat next to the bed. "So it's bound to be invisible, let alone a thousand Qianshui water village, even if it's inside the palace, there is no problem!" It's like Su Yanji!

That's right, you must treat love rivals as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves!

"Don't worry." Qin Shaoyu sat beside him, reaching out to take people into his arms. "Just lurking in to hear the news, not fighting."

"So what, if found, it would be dangerous." Shen Qianling frowned slightly.

"If I had done it before, I might have done things without considering the effect." Qin Shaoyu shook his hand, "Now it is not."

Shen Qianling looked up at him.

"I have you," Qin Shaoyu said, "So I'm not sure what I will do."

"... Um." Shen Qianling patted his chest. "Then you have to be careful."

Qin Shaoyu nodded and lowered his head toward the soft lips.

Shen Qianling closed her eyes and raised her head slightly to meet.

Then the hair ball flew in like a cannonball. If it wasn't for Qin Shaoyu's reaction, he would almost pinch him and almost hit Shen Qianling's face.

"Yeah!" There was a piece of bald hair on the neck of the hair ball, exposing the little pink flesh, and black beans' eyes were full of grievances.

"What's wrong?" Shen Qianling was startled, and quickly hugged Little Phoenix into her arms.

The fur ball smashed into a small fur ball, obviously very sad!

"Who bullied you?" Shen Qianling was so angry!

The ferret, which must be a fox intensive, is too much to bully my son. This account must be counted back!

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Jin exclaimed outside the house, "Phoenix?"

Qin Shaoyu took Shen Qianling out of the bedroom door. At a glance, he saw a colorful phoenix squatting on the treetop of the sycamore tree, which reflected the color of the glass under the glow of the sunset.

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