Chapter 171-The Return pt. 1

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"Dark grid?" Shen Qianling heard the words and became interested. This kind of plot that has only been encountered in a TV series is really worth looking forward to! Curious walked over and knocked, and it looked like an empty box below.

"Oh!" The fur ball stood jumping up and down, very, very much!

"What is it?" Shen Qianling asked Qin Shaoyu.

"I don't know." Qin Shaoyu took out his dagger and stroked along the gap. "Open it."

Shen Xiaoshou is very nervous!

The fur ball is also very nervous!

So when Qin Shaoyu took off the bezel, he looked up and saw Shen Qianling stretching his neck to look in. The fur ball was squatting on his shoulder and he was stretching his neck to look in. One person and one bird were particularly consistent regardless of posture and expression. biological!

Qin Shaoyu laughed and reached out and squeezed his face, "Shen Xiaozhu."

"What is it? Take it out!" Shen Qianling urged.

Qin Shaoyu took out the contents and saw a red wooden box. After opening, there was a camphor box with a delicate copper lock hanging on it.

"Can it be a hidden weapon?" Shen Qianling asked.

"It's unlikely." Qin Shaoyu shook his head, but for the sake of insurance, he motioned to Shen Qianling to stand behind him.

The fur ball also opened his claws and ran to Shen Qianling, screaming with his head raised-hugging it quickly.

I really know how to protect myself.

Qin Shaoyu opened the wooden box gently, quiet inside, and did not shoot out a hidden weapon.

"What?" Shen Qianling poked half his head behind him.

Qin Shaoyu laughed and said, "Guess."

"How do you guess?" Shen Qianling protested, anyway, to give some hints, it's almost boundless!

"Blood jade and red lotus." Qin Shaoyu took out a ticked blood lotus.

"Oh!" The fur ball jumped up in elation immediately.

"Blood jade and red lotus?" Shen Qianling was surprised. "What did Feng Jiu give me at the beginning?"

"Otherwise, you should be thinking about him and chasing you for what it is." Qin Shaoyu said, "You originally wanted to use this to show you sincerity, but unfortunately, although you received this holy relic, you lost your memory immediately. How can Ye's temper be reconciled? "

Shen Qianling looked around, then wondered, "I can't see anything special."

Qin Shaoyu fluently said, "Because the devil is poor, picking up a broken one can also be a treasure."

Shen Qianling: ...

"It's better not to see people like this." Qin Shaoyu put the blood jade and red lotus back into the dark grid, "save more right and wrong."

"It's not cleaner to lose it." Shen Qianling didn't want Feng Jiuye to appear in the room at all.

"Stay for a while." Qin Shaoyu kissed his forehead, "obedient."

"Hey!" Mao Qiu looked at his father and mother with special heartbreaking eyes, apparently very dissatisfied with the matter of "being put back before playing".

"You are obedient, too." Qin Shaoyu rubbed his head, and put down a few round green emeralds.

Although it is worse than the previous blood jade red lotus, but there are many advantages! The bird's heart hurt by the fur ball is slightly relieved, and kicked with small paws to play.

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