Chapter 136: And he's so ugly!

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"What did he do?" Shen Qianling asked.

"Eight out of ten | Nine is for the small five." Qin Shaoyu said, "I haven't looked for him yet, but he came to him."

"Then I'll go too." Shen Qianling wiped his hands.

"You can see it when you see it." Qin Shaoyu hugged him and jumped off the roof. "He looks ugly without a face."

As soon as the voice fell, Duan Baiyue pushed in and walked in. "Who is the Qin Gong master talking about?"

Shen Qianling wit said, "A distant cousin I have never seen."

Qin Shaoyu poked at his waist behind him-not allowed to confuse his cousin.

Shen Qianling forced to look at him, I'm all in order to make a round for you! Do you dare to poke harder!

Duan Baiyue looked at the two with great interest, "The Lord of the Qin Gong and Shen Gongzi really loved each other as written in the book."

Shen Qianling was almost stunned by his own saliva, why is the spread of such street yellow books so unscientific!

"Award." Qin Shaoyu smiled. "The king of the southwest has something to do with me?"

Duan Baiyue nodded, "Can you come into the room and talk?"

"Natural." Qin Shaoyu made his way sideways.

"Oh!" The fur ball crouched on the threshold, his eyes were very domineering!

Duan Baiyue stooped and looked, "Is this how you raise a little thing?"

The dark guard is collectively dissatisfied on the roof. How can he say something small, this is the young master of my house!

Very noble!

"Good." Shen Qianling held it up.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix shook his head wildly, feeling like a majestic one!

Duan Baiyue was teased, and he took out a small emerald peanut from his arms.

Immediately, the hairball's eyes showed the longing expression, and the left claw stepped on the right claw.

Shen Qianling was almost speechless, decisively handed the hair ball to the dark guard-the problem of wanting others' things must be impossible.

"Oh!" Mao Ball expressed his sadness with his eyes.

Duan Baiyue smiled and shook his head, and took back the little peanuts.

The Dark Guard angered and rebuked the Southwest King in his heart, so he shouldn't take it out if he was reluctant to give it. Shouldn't he be forced to give it to the owner of my house, really annoying!

The fur ball was extremely weak, and he was paralyzed in the palm of the dark guard.

This broken bird is born ...

An Wei was so distressed that he even wanted to give Duan Baiyue tea in his chin, but in the end he stopped. Not because it was discovered by conscience or because of fear of being punished by Qin Shaoyu, but what to do in case he was drunk by Mr. Shen. You must know that the wife is as clever and savvy as the master of the palace. It is entirely possible to do this. thing!

"A sneeze." Shen Qianling sneezed in the room.

"Are you cold?" Qin Shaoyu frowned.

"No." Shen Qianling rubbed his nose. "There are little bugs."

Qin Shaoyu poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to him, before looking at Duan Yuebai Road, "What is the king of the southwest looking for?"

Duan Baiyue expected, "For my brother."

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